Chapter 11: A Facade

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October 8, 2015. Grimstone Asylum Grounds, Northern Pack Lands.

Everyone in here was hiding something or the other. We were all keeping secrets, playing parts, doing some crazy thing, pretending we were someone else. And if we weren't doing that, we were imagining that we were.

I took a deep breath, letting the heaviness of my heart roll across the waves of my mind, my thoughts.

The silence in the room was making me think hard about what I had done. But it was soon broken by the questions of Dr. Frost.

"I heard you were struggling during the art session earlier in the morning?" she asked me, her voice warm. Her finger wrapped around a pen while her other hand held a notepad tight. She was taking down notes of anything I said or did in the past twenty minutes.

There were still ten minutes left.

"Yes," I looked up at her and said. "I don't—it wasn't fun."

"Why do you think that is?"

"I don't know. It was a waste of time." I held on tightly to my arms, resting them at the bottom of the chair, "I felt like it was."

"How have your nights been?"

"Good," I responded quickly while remembering Lana's words and now my own instinct to not say anything about anything. "I've been sleeping well."

"And have you seen Dom Sterling again? In your dreams or waking times?"

A lump grew in my throat as I tried to answer her question. I hesitated for a moment, and it felt so long. "No, I haven't seen him again. Not in my dreams either."

Her mouth stretched into a smile, "Well, isn't that great? It shows that you're making progress and that you're improving day by day."

I nodded softly, "I hope that it does."

"Have you spoken—or recently contacted your family?"

"I have. A couple of times now."

"And what about your friends?"

I lowered my head, "No, not yet."

"I see."

I was well aware that it was odd not to reach out to my friends. Most of them knew what was happening to me, but there were only a few people who knew that I was in a mental asylum. And now, for some reason, I wanted to keep it that way. I didn't want everyone to know that I was going crazy—especially if I wasn't.

"Have you been talking to any of the other girls here? I know most of them are quite older in age, but we've plenty of girls who are young as well."

Lana was the only girl I was comfortable enough talking to. "A couple of them but I haven't formed any sort of—friendship or anything with anyone yet." I said.

Another lie.

It was obvious that I wasn't going to give up the only connection I had with anyone here.

"Well, I do hope to see you participating in some more of the activities that happen around here. I want you to be as comfortable as you can be here. Maybe make a friend or two. It might even help you through your journey. Trust me."

Of course, I knew she meant well but then her words just made me feel even worse. I felt trapped here. No. I wasn't comfortable and nothing she could possibly do could change it.

"I can try." I offered a small lie, knowing it was going to be just that.

"Okay, is there anything else you want to talk about, Fallon? Any doubts, or any questions you have, we're here to help. I'm here to help. Just say it."

It was tempting but I couldn't risk it all for some words of wisdom or advice that wasn't really going to help me.

There were two more minutes until the session ended and I had enough of being here. I wanted to leave as soon as possible, go back into my room, and just try to process what all I had read on the file before I had given it back to Lana.

When the session was over, Dr. Frost let me leave the room. I made my way out and left the block of psychiatric offices to the residential one that I stayed in. We were about to go into the dining area when I was taken aside by one of the security people.

I tensed up as I stared into his eyes and from that stare, I was dragged, confused, to another part of the building that I hadn't gone to before. I didn't even know it existed till now.

"Where are you taking me to?" I asked in fear while trying to relax as he dragged me down the corridor.

He looked away from me and opened a door for me to enter. When I didn't, he forcibly pushed me inside and then closed the door behind me. It clicked twice before there was a silence in the entire place. The only sound there was inside was the sound of my heavy breaths.

I turned away from the door and just an inch away from my face, was Dom, alive.


I jumped back instantly, slipping and bumping against the door.

"You are fucking insane."

"Oh, please," Dom rolled his eyes, walking towards me. He stopped a few steps away. "I'm not the one admitted here."

My heart nearly leaped out of my throat at the sight of him again, especially when I hadn't seen him in the past few days.

It took a moment for his presence to settle in. "What do—what was that guy?" I managed a whisper.

"Security," He grinned.

"He saw you?"

"I asked him to bring you to me."

My breath slowed down. Does that mean—he was fucking alive! I didn't kill him. Fuck, fuck, fuck me.

"I'm not crazy."

"Yeah, told you."

"No, I didn't kill you. I didn't. Oh, my God."

He sighed and wiped his eyes with his fingers. "Did you not believe that it was real the first time I told you?"

"No, of course not!"

"Well, I hope you do now."

I cleared my throat and glared into his dark eyes, "What do you want from me?" Now, I demanded to know. "I've read your file and everything else about you. I suppose you were only recently released from prison. Was that the reason why you created this entire plan to act dead? To let me, and everyone else believe that I killed you—a criminal."

I was connecting the dots in my head. It would make sense if he did this to run away or something, but he was still here and after me.

He chuckled in response, "You've read everything right. I am a criminal. Or was. Well, the better way to say it is—I might've done everything those papers claimed. But I'm not here for myself. I'm doing this for something bigger. Someone, bigger."

I paused, dread rolling over my skin.

"What is it that you want from me?" I lowered my voice.

Dom dropped his gaze to mine and remained there. He stood tall, but in a second, he was in front of my face. I flinched, my senses dazed as his sudden move sent terror spiking up my spine. My instinct got ready to shift into my wolf in case he tried to attack me.

Just as he did in the forest.

With all that he had done, he could've so easily killed me that night at Hollow Point, but he didn't. He wanted me to kill him, to at least think that I did.

For a moment there, I thought I was strong that night for fighting and killing him.

I scoffed at my own thoughts.

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