Chapter 10: Massacre

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October 8, 2015. Grimstone Asylum Grounds, Northern Pack Lands.

I found the file quick. It was tucked under Lana's mattress. Instead of taking it back to my room and reading it, I stayed there and opened it up. It wasn't a thick file, but not a thin one either. There was a lot of stuff in there and I didn't know where to begin with.

My heart was beating violently in my chest. I was scared, maybe even a little angry. Whatever the feeling was, it was making me dizzy and anxious. This was the guy who made my life a living hell. Maybe not exactly the main hell, but he definitely added to it. He created the situation that led me up here, to make me take someone's life even if it wasn't his.

Did I believe him? Did I believe that I didn't kill him? I wasn't completely sure. Unless someone else told me that he was alive, I couldn't really believe it. I didn't trust my eyes. I was scared that my mind was playing another trick on me, that it was keeping me on my toes.

But if it was a trick, this was an extremely cruel thing. How was I supposed to understand that I didn't kill the guy?

I opened up his file and started looking through it.

His name was stated as Dom James Stone, aged thirty-three, and his address was in town. Wasn't he a rogue? I furrowed my brows but kept reading further.

He was evaluated here, admitted for two nights, and then sent off to Grimstone prison for several charges, including conspiracy to commit mass murder, direct involvement in acts of terrorism, and accessory to multiple counts of aggravated assault against supernaturals.

Oh, my God.

The list was extensive, showing a history of violent offenses that spanned several years, each more heinous than the last.

I gaped at the pages, unable to absorb what was happening here. Could this be right? Dom Stone was a literal criminal, well at least according to these pages.

I turned the page again and in the next one, I found details of his evaluation when he was presented to doctors and assessed for certain traits before considering his containment, which was prison for ten years.

Later at the bottom of the page, there were notes from Dr. Crow, the doctor who evaluated him.

'It is advised that Mr. Stone be admitted to a higher security facility where his involvement in the incidents can be carefully analyzed and studied under certain circumstances, with caution and alert minds. His involvement was noted during the course of the night when he assisted in conducting acts of terror at the command of Cassius Vane. Mr. Stone was not only a culprit in the crimes he participated in, but he possessed considerable strength and contributed to the maximum number of deaths that took place in the massacre. Therefore, he appears to be a dangerous individual and may cause even more deaths if not detained in a suitable place.'

As I finished, I looked up at the sound of someone approaching the door. I didn't even get a moment to blink before the door opened.

Thankfully, it wasn't anyone but Lana.

"Oh, you scared me," I dropped my hand against my chest and heaved in a long breath.

She shut the door behind her quickly, "Sorry. Sorry. How is it going? Was it of any help?" She asked, rushing in and sitting on the bed.

My lips parted, and I breathed heavily. I could share this with Lana, she was the one who bought me the file in the first place and I believed that I trusted her enough. She seemed like a good person. At least to me. I could ignore the reasons why she was here just as she ignored the reasons why I was here.

"Yes, it has been a lot of help," I said, taking my hand off the pages. "But I haven't finished yet. There are so many questions—and the doctor that you mentioned, Dr. Crow—there are some notes he has written. I suppose he did the evaluation for Dom," I paused to catch my breath before continuing. "Apparently, he was sent to prison for killing people, and committing massacre."

Lana furrowed her brows and leaned forward to read what I'd read. I thought she would've read the file before giving it to me, but it appeared she didn't. Her eyes began slowly widening as she kept reading further down the page. Her brows then jumped before she finished and leaned back.

"Oh, that was a lot to read—mass murder, really? Are you sure you killed this guy?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out if I even did it," I whispered, my voice low. My eyes fell back onto the pages. "He lived in this town, which meant he was a part of this pack, but yet he smelled like a rogue and even the police claimed that he was a rogue."

"Well, wolves can get banished and kicked out for their behavior."

"He was in prison for ten years, which meant he was only released from prison when I killed him." I tried to clear my own confusion.

"Probably. If this is really the guy, you shouldn't be here. I mean, practically, you might have killed a criminal or something." She stated.

I raised my head, meeting her eyes. Maybe I should tell her—about that night.


I cleared my throat and trailed my finger over Dr. Crow's notes. "There's a name mentioned here. Cassius Vane—do you know who he was?" My tongue made a little stumble when I said his name, almost like a fear.

"I don't think I have," Lana shook her head. "But I do remember something around the fact there was an internal conflict in the pack a long time ago and a lot of people died during that time, but no one really knew what exactly happened as it was all buried under the ground and forbidden to speak of it again."

My eyes slowly rose to her face, I was completely riveted at this point. "When? I mean, what year?"

She frowned a little, clearly stumped by the sudden change of question, "Long ago—probably ten years ago. My parents were active in pack matters and they were planning to run at one point. I don't really remember most of it,"

Ten years ago.

I tried to remember anything from then but just like Lana, it was nothing. I was a teenager then, and my biggest worry I recalled was whether the back of my head was straight or still curly after I fried my hair for hours and hours early in the morning each day.

Something was off. So much was.

"But if I do, I'll let you know."

I nodded and turned to the next page. There were more notes from Dr. Crow about Don's irrational behavior when he was admitted here along with some statements about what he had done.

The more I read, the more terrifying his actions grew. From that, I concluded he wasn't just a dumb creep. He was more evil than that. He wasn't sane. The things that were done, though in the papers, were not easy for a normal person to get a taste of pleasure.

He was a maniac. A whole different level of crazy. But most of his actions were committed because of commands he received. I didn't think he was independent when it came to his crimes. He did them following orders.

And most of them were given by Cassius Vane.

Who was he?

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