Chapter 18

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"You don't have to do anything other than let me in. And I promise you..

I'm not going to leave your side.
I'm not gonna give up on us.

Whatever it takes."

With those words in mind, escaping from soft lips, and hearts fluttering for the first time in a genuinely long time the two girls separated ways as duty called, and life wouldn't wait around for their destiny to align and give them a chance to explore their potential in peace.

Danger was lurking and getting closer, as both twins were targeted by an evil presence at the school. The kind of danger that aimed to destroy the siphon witches and their kind, especially when the new generation appeared to be much stronger than the older one.

"I thought you could use some tea."

Somebody knocked lightly on the door, in Alaric's office Hope was settled in the prestigious leather chair still researching how to reverse the illness. Hope faced the man standing at the door, with a puzzled expression.

"Mr. Clarke..this is unexpected."

"So is your presence in that office, Mikaelson. I guess it has its perks being Alaric's favourite."

"That's an overstatement. I'm just helping him with research."

"You're researching. It must be important if it's keeping you awake at this hour."

Hope immediately closed the encyclopedia, and tried to divert attention from the kind of topic she was reading about.

"Anyway, what do I owe this act of kindness? I mean, tea? How did you even know I was here?"

"I didn't. I needed to see Alaric, and the tea was supposedly for him but it looks like you might need it more."

Ryan smiles warmly, waiting for the girl to accept the offer.

"O-Okay I guess..that sounds reasonable. Plus he is asleep, so it would be wasted."

"Good, make sure you drink it hot or it might not be as effective."

The man keeps having a sly smirk on his face, as he watches the auburn take a small sip out of his beverage and decides to leave before Hope questions his statement. For the following minutes, the Mikaelson found it hard to focus back on research, as her eyes gradually got heavier and she felt like leaving back in the chair to rest them for a bit, but the seconds turned into minutes and the minutes into hours until she found herself in a deep slumber.

In the twin's room, Josie was somewhat restless that night as she could sense her twin's physical pain because of their unbreakable bond and that kept her awake. Lizzie was mumbling in her sleep as if she was having a nightmare, and the brunette couldn't help but keep by her side. This proven to be useful because Josie was immediately alerted when someone started to break in their front door. She quickly performed a protection spell on her twin and jumped off her bed, charging her hands at the door ready to unleash a powerful spell of fire at whatever the hell was lurking behind it.

The door literally burst open, and pieces of wood dispersed all over the room, giving Josie several cuts on her cheeks but luckily surpassing Lizzie who was under some kind of invisible shield by her twin. What Josie saw was the presence of a boy who looked nothing like the one she knew, his eyes were sparking green and dark veins were carved into his cheekbones, and down his arms, he looked threatening but the girl had no idea what kind of powers he held therefore she didn't know how to face the threat.

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