Chapter 2

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"It was me. I did the spell."

"Hope Mikaelson?"

Unexpected silence filled the room, Alaric had to pause and think carefully of how to justify Hope's actions. He was also faced with a dilemma, he couldn't for a fact punish the girl and he couldn't reveal of why in front of his daughters. The girls looked between each other in silence and Hope nudged her head towards the direction of the door which they soon followed seeing they were off their father's radar now. They closed the door behind them but of course lingered long enough trying to overhear the upcoming argument.

"What were you thinking??"

"I wasn't.."

"You seem to be doing that a lot, lately."

"She broke Josie's heart."

"It's just a break up, Hope. Risking someone's life is much more of importance. A heart will mend itself eventually."

"Not always.."

Alaric sighed, immediately catching onto Hope's words deeper meaning. He knew for a fact he couldn't ground her, the girl held secrets that were far too dangerous, after all he was the one who had trusted her with them.

"You're free to go. And please, for the love of god. Leave the girl alone."

"Don't worry, our paths won't cross again."

Hope exited the office, rolling her eyes when she came upon the twins and the amount of questions they had.

"So what punishment did you get??"
Elizabeth asked thrilled.

"Why did you lie??" Josie breathed out shortly after.

The Auburn released a short laugh, with the way both twins were on a different page. As far as they can remember, the three girls always had it out for one another. Elizabeth was always jealous of Hope, and all the attention she received, and Hope was simply..unphased and unbothered with the blonde's existence. She did however enjoy the occasional competition.

"Why did you lie for me, Hope??"

Josie called out again, with a hint of desperation in her voice this time which stopped Hope in her tracks. This didn't make sense at all. Why would she get herself in trouble when she barely ever spoke to her at all? Her and Hope Mikaelson used to share a really close bond when they were little, but those days seemed long gone. The tribird had distanced herself from basically anyone after her family died, and not even Josie had found a way in. So why now? What had changed?

"I didn't do this for you."

"Yeah, but you lied. You saved me."

"Your dad can't ground me, so it's better this way."


"That's for me to know."

"No way in hell, Mikaelson.
Come back here now!!"

Elizabeth called out furiously but Hope was long gone, and after her class which was starting in a few minutes and both twins had to attend as well so they had to better hurry up.

𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓼𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓮 | Hosie Where stories live. Discover now