Chapter 17

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It wasn't long before Hope stormed into Alaric's office, interrupting the teacher meeting as expected and not giving a care in the world for her abrupt behaviour. She tried to convince them how inhumane it was to keep Landon locked up even though he had turned back to his human form, and that it would also be unfair to kick him out of school when he wasn't given a chance to practice controlling whatever that force inside him was, proposing that he needed more time to tame it. Somehow the Mikaelson girl sympathised with the boy.

All of the teachers came into a disagreement but soon Alaric silenced them all.

"We had a deal, Hope!"

"I get that. But don't you think it's too early to finalize this decision? He barely had time to learn anything. "

"The boy poses a clear threat to everyone in this school Miss Mikaelson!"

Another teacher shouted.

"You shouldn't let a child handle this, when has that ever done any good??"

"She is not handling it, Lorence.
I am, and I would be if you'd all let me do my job properly."

"You are?"
"Because so far your decisions have put the students of this school in great danger. You're too weak to handle the child and everything that comes with it."

"And what do you suggest we do?
If we let him loose, he's going to do more harm and not just to supernatural creatures but potentially risking exposing us all too."

"I'd say get rid of him!!"

"No way in hell. I'm not gonna let you do that to him!"

"Hope, stand down.
Let me handle this, please."

"You didn't get rid of me when I couldn't control my wolf side, so why him?
Why can't you just give him a chance?"

"Look we will keep him under strict supervision for the time being, he will stay and sleep in the dungeon until he makes some actual progress."

"You are treating us like animals, like this is some kind of twisted experiment.
I'm sick of all of you."

The tribrid rushed out of the office, she couldn't bare a second more of the teacher's cruel methods and it devastated her thinking how she had to break the news to the boy. Her day so far had been nothing but tremendously infuriating so when she reached class she was in no mood to speak to anyone or pay the least amount of attention.By doing so, she didn't even realize that Josie and her twin sister weren't there, or that Ethan was still trying to flirt with her by trying to get her undivided attention.

That afternoon, after a few scattered hours of studying, or at least pretending to, the auburn's mind was haunted by fear, anxiousness but most of all anger about Landon's situation. She decided to ditch studying and get outside in the forest, finally releasing her inner wolf that she had spent so long without. While running through the forest, Hope found herself at ease, becoming one with nature's calmness as darkness was falling upon the school. The forest had become her second home. A home where she felt free, without restraints, without the memories of her past. She kept running until she could feel the cold air filling her lungs completely, until her feet felt weary and heavy and she finally needed a rest.

𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓼𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓮 | Hosie Where stories live. Discover now