Chapter 11

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"Josie. Drop the spell. Now."

"No. Hope is right. We have to keep the students safe first, that's what my dad would want us to do."

"Are you crazy? You're going to let our dad fight a monster by himself?"

"Your dad is not incompetent, Lizzie.
He taught me most things I know."

"Wow, that puts me at ease Mikaelson."

Lizzie said sarcastically and ended up giving up. She looked at her sister with plain disgust, who could she do this to them?

"For the time being, why doesn't one of you keep guard while we wait this out?"

"Getting a bit too familiar bossing everyone around, are we?"

"Or not. I can just do everything on my own like always."

"Come on, I'll watch over the entrance. Go and have some rest."

Jed stepped up and gave Hope a sympathetic look, the boy didn't particularly like her but he did admit that her leadership skills were just as good as his. Maybe Hope was able to lead the pack, maybe if they ever battled it down he would have some actual decent competition. Before the girl walked away Jed grabbed her by her hand.

"I'd watch it if I were you.
Those witches are vicious, you're better off with us werewolves."

"What happened to 'you'll never fit in'?"

"I could use someone like you."

"Good to know, but no thanks."

Hope gave one last threatening glare at the taller boy before pulling away from him and returning to her bed. Josie wasn't there anymore, in fact she was forced to sit by her sister who was frantically shouting at her about her choice of protecting Hope and putting her plan over their dad's safety. She couldn't believe her sister was blinded by whatever false feelings she thought she had, but she definitely had to put an end to them.

I'm here on good terms."

Penelope laughed as she settled next to the tribrid, she offered a bottle of water to her seeing how restless and anxious she looked and Hope took it hesitantly.

"Yeah, I remember what happened last time you claimed that or offered me a drink for that matter."

"We had a little fun,
What's wrong with that?"

"For fuck's sake, get to the point already."

"Look, I have my suspicions on someone. It's a long shot but it's worth mentioning."

"Go on, tell me."

"Earlier today I saw that new doctor leaving and then when he came back he was limping, with what looked like blood on his shirt. He isn't here which only means he could have sneaked a monster into the school right under our noses."

"But why would he do that?"

"That's for you to figure out.
You have a tendency to solve mysteries, right?"

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