Chapter 16

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Alaric, Hope and Josie arrived back at the school after the visit and it was no coincidence that something unsettling had happened. Dorian, the headmaster's assistant was waiting at the entrance looking worried as the jeep slowly approached him. The girls were the first to exit the car, and Hope sensed something was different, Dorian looked like he had bad news for them.

"We are back. Everything alright?"

Dorian hesitated to give an answer, he didn't know how to tell Alaric that he failed to keep one of his daughters safe.

"Dorian? What's wrong?"

Hope sounded concerned.

"It''s Landon. He transformed again, he lashed out on one of the students."

"Which one?"

"I-It was Elizabeth.."

"God damn it."

"Josie wait!!"

"I need to see her. Now.'

Josie slammed the door of the jeep, hearing the conversation and rushed inside and into their room to see if her sister was there.


"Are you in here??"

Josie scanned the room but she didn't see her sister anywhere, her bed was made and there was no sign of any attack. She looked in the infarmary next, where her sister was facilitated and laying half awake on a bed, the doctor's monitoring her vitals.

"What on earth happend to her??"

"Miss Saltzman, calm down your sister will be alright she just needs to rest.."

"I want to know what happened!"

"There was an attack, and your sister decided to play hero."

"You say that as if it's a bad thing."

"She wouldn't be in this state if she had just listened to her teachers. She lost control of her powers, eventually she could have ended up doing more damage than good if we didn't stop her."

"Can I please have a moment with her?"

The nurse agreed to leave the two girls alone and Josie hovered over the bed, this very moment reminding her of her own mother who was similarly in a weak state.

"I'm really sorry, if we had been here this wouldn't have happened to you."

"Where were you???"

Lizzie looked at her younger sibling with teary eyes, clearly feeling a sense of betrayal.

"I...I was..with..Hope.."

"Doing what exactly?"

"Just a field trip with dad..checking the surrounding areas for any stranded creatures, just typical procedures.."

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