Ćhapter 16

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Taylor's POV

I don't understand why they hate me. I mean I get that I'm dating Shawn and I basically do have something they want. I'm not trying to sound egotistic it's just I'm getting hate for no reason.

And they point out every little wrong thing I do, and they point out my flaws.

I'm not emotionally stable for all this. I mean I can't even post a picture without people comment on it telling me I'm ugly, and worthless.

"What's wrong babe?" Shawn asked coming to sit by me on the couch. I just shrugged my shoulders not in the mood to explain. "Come on tell me" Shawn said. I just handed him my phone.

Shawn looked down at the comments on my recent Instagram post. I was shirtless and Shawn was standing behind me. And someone pointed out my scars in the comments.

"That's it I'm saying something" Shawn said throwing my phone down on the couch. "No Shawn then I'm just gonna get more hate I know how the whole fan thing works" I say grabbing his arm.

"I know how insecure you are about your scars Taylor what they did was not ok" Shawn said softly. "I'm telling them to stop" Shawn said going on his phone.

I laid back on the couch and sighed nervously. Now there gonna think that I'm taking Shawn away from them when I'm not. "There I posted something on twitter, and Instagram" Shawn said.

"What did you say?" I groaned. "I said.." Shawn trailed off getting his phone back out. "I said 'I know some of y'all may not like the fact that I have a boyfriend, but I'm sorry I'm really happy with Taylor, and he showed me something that made me really upset. Taylor isn't taking me away from y'all. It's funny because he tells me all the things that is going on In the fandom, so please just stop hating him, alright I love you guys' and then there's a peace emoji" Shawn said.


My phone was blowing up minutes later with mentions of fans fighting. One fan who likes me against another fan who doesn't. I mean really, now I know how Madison feels.

I just put my phone on silence and muted any notifications from twitter. I'm just gonna ignore every one.

"Babe" Shawn said pulling my arm making me fall on him where he was laying on his bed. I rolled off of Shawn and laid beside him. "What?" I asked. "I really want to go out, but I know we will get mobbed" Shawn said.

"I know, is there a frozen yogurt place around here? I've been craving some" I said. "Yea there's one like right up the road you wanna go, no one really goes there"Shawn said. "Yea let's go" I say getting up off the bed. I slipped on my shoes while Shawn put his on.

I walked behind Shawn down the stairs and outside where Shawn's car was parked. I got in the passenger while he got in the driver seat, and Shawn cranked the car, and drove to the frozen yogurt shop.

There was only a few cars at the yogurt place when we got ther, that's good. Me and Shawn got out the car and Shawn grabbed my hand. He opened the door for me, and I walked in Shawn hand still holding mine.

I smiled and waved to the cashier. Shawn and I walked towards where the yogurt was.

I got vanilla and cupcake yogurt, and I had nuts, crushed gram crackers, and whip cream for the toppings. I don't like much toppings. Shawn got his and we walked to the counter to pay.

"I'm paying" Shawn said pulling out his wallet. I didn't really wanna argue with him because the cashier was already giving me dirty looks, it was really annoying. Why does everyone hate me today.

She kept on looking at me while Shawn got the money out his wallet. "I mean do I have something on my face or what is the reason your staring at me?" I asked looking at the girl. Shawn looked at me confused.

"Just trying to figure out why Shawn Mendes would be hanging out with you" She said. "I'm so done with stupid bitches like you" I say before walking out and back to the car.

Shawn came out a few minutes later looking satisfied. "I handled her" Shawn said handing me my yogurt. "I don't have a appetite anymore" I say. "Taylor don't let her get to you ok. And you wanna know why I'm with you?" Shawn said, I stayed silent.

"I'm with you because of your smile, because I love how you have three Different laughs, because I love your country accent, I love your smile, I love that one dimple you have, I love the how outgoing you are, and can make any love you. I love you Taylor so don't listen to other people because they won't ever matter" Shawn lectured.

I opened my car door and got out walking to Shawn's side of the car. I opened the door, and just hugged him. Shawn got out the car, and we just stood there holding eachother.

"I love you so much" I said tearing up a bit. "I love you too"

I wrote Shawn's 'lecture' from like the heart I actually really liked this chapter.

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