Čhapter 9

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Watch it's got some Shaylor feels
Taylor's POV

My mom commanded us around as we put up the decorations for the party. It was only two hours before the party started, and we where only half way done.

Me and Shawn's job was to put up all the decorations for the outside. Banners, table pieces, etc. "Alright is it even?" Shawn questioned holding one end of the banner up to match my side. I nodded my head and Shawn stapled the banner to the wood above the back door.

I climbed of the chair I was standing on and took a few steps back and peered at the banner. Everything seemed to look good. "Ok now Shawn we need to set the tables" I directed Shawn. We put on the table cloths that had the pattern of the American flag, and we put center pieces up.

I walked through the sliding doors that led me to the kitchen. My mom was cooking whatever she was serving tonight, and Shalynn put the snacks into bowls. "We are done mom" I spoke. "Ok then just get ready or whatever you have to do" My mom said.

I nodded my head and grabbed Shawn's hand dragging him to my room. I kicked my door open just because. Shawn plopped down on my bed. I walked in my closet, and scanned it for my American flag swim shirts. I found then and grabbed them of the hanger.

I pulled down my black basketball shorts, and slipped on the swimming trunks. I kept on the white shirt I had and walked out the closet. Shawn had on all white swim shorts and a shirt that had the American flag, the basic stuff.

I walked over to my full body mirror and looked at myself running my fingers through my hair. Shawn came and stood behind me placing his hands on my hips. I placed my hands on top of his and pulled them so they encircled my waist.

"We are goals" I spoke tilting my head back and looking up at him. "I know that" Shawn said leaning down and connecting our lips. The kiss didn't last long because we where in an awkward position.

I've never felt so strongly for someone like I do Shawn.


People began to pile up in the back yard. Family, Neighbors, family friends, and my favorite of them all, It's my cousin Morgan, and she's a fan girl for Shawn, so we have that in common. I just hope she doesn't freak out to much when she's sees him.

"Alright now Shawn my cousin, Morgan is a major fan girl so brace yourself" I tell Shawn placing my hands on both his shoulders. "I'm used to it. I mean do you remember when I had to run from that mob of girls" Shawn said. "yea I felt bad for you" I pat his shoulder.

Just as Shawn opened his mouth to speak someone said my name. I turned around and seen Morgan she walked up to me and hugged me. "Hey Morgan" I say. "Hey Tay" Morgan just as her eyes landed on Shawn and they widened.

"Hey I'm Morgan" Morgan held her hand out for Shawn to shake. "Hey" Shawn said shaking her hand. "I am such a huge fan of yours like I just love you, and I've dreamed of this moment forever and-" I cut her off. "Calm down Morgan" I tell her as I notice her breathing pick up.

"Sorry I mean it's Shawn Mendes" Morgan said. "I know" I nodded my head at her.


After Morgan got a picture with Shawn and all that she went to talk to Shalynn. They where the same age so they got along pretty well.

Me and Shawn went up to my room. I know you probably think we are being a buzz kill, but Shawn's leaving tomorrow and I want some alone time with him. Because I am gonna miss my baby.

I laid on my bed and pulled Shawn on top of me. I pulled him down so his lips connected with mine in a slow kiss. I wrapped my legs around Shawn's waist, and his hand was placed on my thigh.

Shawn pulled away breathless and needing oxygen. I'm surprised that he needed air before me since he is a singer and all.

Shawn rolled off of me, and pulled me close to him. I buried my face in his chest, and snuggled close to him. "I might not be here when you wake up tomorrow I have to leave early in the morning, so do you want me to wake you up to say goodbye?" Shawn spoke.

I nodded my head into his chest. I don't want Shawn to leave, and I know he want have anymore breaks until the 1989 tour is over. "I don't want you to leave" I whined. "I know, but I have to tour" Shawn said.

This sucks monkey balls.


We spent about two hours together and decided that we wanted to go swimming. On the way down we ran into my Aunt Jessica. "Hey Taylor" She said as she held my little baby cousin William. I love that little. "Hey" I spoke reaching my arms out to grab William.

"Can we take him swimming?" I asked. "Yea, but whose we?" Aunt Jessica questioned. "Oh yea Aunt Jessica this is Shawn, My boyfriend" I pointed towards Shawn who was standing behind me. "Oh it's very nice to meet you I'm Jessica" She reached her hand out for him to shake which he accepted.

After them meeting and whatever I took William to go swimming. I put him down while I took my shirt off them picked him back up. William was two years old. I was about to get in but then I spotted Williams sister Madison, se was 3.

I handed Shawn William, and he gladly accepted him. I picked up Madison I love her. "You wanna go swimming Maddy" I asked her. She nodded her head and I big smile was plastered on her face.

I motioned for Shawn to follow me to the pool which he did. The kids where a little uneasy at first but they got used to it.

We did the regular Fourth of July stuff, and then about midnight everyone started to leave, and me and Shawn took our Showers then went to bed.

5:00 am
Shawn's POV

My phone going off woke me up from my deep sleep. I grabbed it off the night stand, and looked at the text I got.

I'll be there in 15 to pick you up is this the right address *insert Taylor's Address*

Yea see you soon

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair looking at Taylor's sleeping body. I don't wanna leave him I really don't.

I got up out of bed trying not to wake Taylor, but I failed. "Are you leaving?" Taylor asked. "My manager will be here in fifteen minutes" I tell him. Taylor sits up in bed and watches me pull a shirt over my head. I stayed in my sweatpants and just slipped on my black vans.

I zipped up my suitcase which I packed back up last night, and went and laid back down with Taylor. I wrapped my arms around him. "I love you" I spoke before pecking his lips. "I love you too" Taylor spoke quietly.

We sat in silence for a moment before my phone went off. My heart dropped to my stomach I knew it was my manager telling me he was here, and I was correct. I looked at Taylor sadly.

"I love you, ok? And I will call you when I get to my next stop" I said. "I love you too" Was all Taylor said. I got out of bed and grabbed my suitcase. I walked back to Taylor and kissed his lips savoring every last bit of it.

I don't know when the next time I'll see him, but I hope it's soon.

Finally I finished it. If you couldn't watch the video basically Shawn said Taylor was the Life of The Party out of Magcon. I fangirled so hard. OMG.

Anyways bye✌️

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