The Woven Feeling. 1.

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(After a week or so..)
Ivan's bike was repaired. It looked completely new. He started using it. Every time when he was riding the bike, he saw the keychain and thought about who the girl was who gave it to him. Ivan started thinking again. "If my bike had a few issues, then why did it took so long to repair it? Did I really fell down from the stairs? Or did something else happened? Damn it! I'm over thinking again!" Ivan snapped out of his thinking.
Ivan was sitting on his bike, looking at it when he got a call from Yuki.
Yuki (On call):- "Hey! Sorry I didn't came to meet you last week. Was a little bit busy. What are you doing?"
Ivan replied, "Nothing, Just looking at my bike."
Yuki was excited hearing this, "Let's hang out then? Tomorrow? I want you to meet someone."
Ivan got confused, he asked her, "Meet someone? Who?"
Yuki :- "It's a surprise. Tomorrow, 6 O'clock. At Café Western Woods. Deal?"
Ivan had a doubt on Yuki, but he agreed to meet her, "Deal. But as I remember, you hated that place. Didn't you?"
Yuki's words started twisting again. She replied, "Y-yeah, b...but still, let's meet there. I got to go now!

Ivan ended the call. He started thinking about what kind of surprise will it be.
On next day, Ivan went to the café. He saw Yuki was already sitting there. They both sat together and were talking about things. Ivan noticed that Yuki was wearing an old dress and looking at her watch. After a few minutes, Ivan asked "So, what's the surprise?"
Yuki smiled and said, "Wait for a while. It's on the way now."
Ivan started doubting Yuki more, "Any hint?"
Yuki took a sip of water and said "Nah. Have some patience."
After a few minutes, A girl entered the café. She was a beautiful girl, having black curly hairs, smiling face, wearing a black dress.
Yuki pointed at the girl and said "There she is."
Ivan didn't recognize her. He asked Yuki, "Who is she?"
Yuki smiled again and said in a rather giggly tone, "Your girlfriend."
After hearing this, Ivan almost spit the water that he was drinking. "What? Are you serious? Where the hell did this came from?"
Completely ignoring Ivan's shocked face, Yuki replied, "Yep. Before your accident, you always used to meet each other at this cafe. But later on, you guys started arguing over little things and she decided to take a break and go for a vacation. But when she got the news that you were in the hospital, she came again for you."
Ivan's face was completely blank. He didn't understand how to react to this. He thought for a while and said "I don't believe in this nonsense. If it's true, then why didn't she called me or at least texted me even once?"

Yuki held Ivan's hand, "I knew you wouldn't believe me. Wait! She will tell you everything."

The girl sat near Ivan. She looked at him with a smile and said, "Hey! I know it's a bit hard for you, but do you remember my name?"

Ivan was still confused "No! Not even your face."

(Yuki hides her giggle)

The girl replied, "I'm sorry, I left you when you needed me the most, I was out of town where the network was very poor. When I left that town, I called Yuki. She told me everything about you. I called you but you have blocked me at the time when I told you I needed a break. I'm really sorry, I'll never do that again, I'll never leave you."

Ivan was still not able to process what was going on and he was irritated by this. He really didn't get anything. (He took a deep breath and relaxed himself. He remembered the suggestion Alex gave him.)
Ivan calmed himself and said, "Hey! I don't know what you just told me is true or not, but can I know your name?"

The girl replied, "It's Marie, But you used to call me Dumbo, because I used to ask you silly questions everytime."

After listening to this, Ivan started talking with himself "What rubbish! Does that even make any sense?" (Suddenly his eyes are filled with tears.) "Wait! Why are my eyes getting teary? Why do I feel so emotional? Is it real? Is she really my girlfriend? Or is it because of that name?" Ivan thought to himself.

Marie waved her hand in front of Ivan's face. "Hey! Over thinking again? Don't think too much...."

Ivan calmed himself and said "Um.. Can you tell me where we met first?"

Marie confidently replied, "Here, in this café only!"

Ivan looked into Marie's eyes and said, "Do you remember how you dressed that day?"

(Marie looked at Yuki. Yuki rolled her eyes and pointed towards the café advertisement behind Ivan. In that advertisement, a girl was wearing a white top and black jeans.)

Marie smiled and said, "Of course I remember! It was a white top and black jeans."

Ivan froze for a moment and started thinking, "Is it real? That day, Whatever I saw, was it really a dream or some memory from my past? Is she really my Girlfriend? Damn! What's really happening?"

Yuki looked at Ivan and said "Hey! Are you okay?"

Ivan gets back to reality. He said, "Yeah. Maybe I should leave now!"

Yuki attempted to stop Ivan, "Wait for some time, then we will go together."

Ivan held his head, "No, my head is spinning. I better leave as soon as possible."

Marie held Ivan's hand and said, "Are you not feeling well, dear?"

Ivan shook her hand away and said, "I just want to go home."

Marie looked a little hurt, "Fine, you can go. But please unblock me. There is so much I want to talk with you."

Ivan nodded, "Yeah whatever. What's your number by the way?"

Yuki remembered something. She interrupted. "Wait. Give me your phone. I'll save the contact for you."

Ivan gave his phone to Yuki. He was a little bit frustrated because of all this, "Fine, do whatever you want."

Yuki opened the blacklist of Ivan's phone contact and unblocked Marie's number. Ivan thought Yuki was taking a bit too much time just to unblock a number. Ivan had doubt for a second that Yuki deleted something from his phone, but he ignored it. Because he knew there was nothing important in his phone anyway.

Wish I Had Stayed With You... Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ