The Mysterious Girl. 3.

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A few days later,
Ivan’s phone was now lying on the desk for many days. It was switched off. He charged it, but there was a password on his phone. He wasn't able to remember the password, So he was using his spare phone. He tried to use his fingerprint but maybe the sensor was broken, so there was no way to unlock the phone except using the password.
He texted Nina (from his spare phone)
Ivan:- Hey!
Nina's Reply:- Hey there. How are you feeling now?
Ivan:- Great! I have one question. Will you answer it?
Nina:- Yeah sure, go ahead.
Ivan:- Yuki told me that it’s been so long that we met again. Nearly 7-8 months. Is that true?
Nina:- Yuki told you that? 
Ivan:- Yes.
(Nina replied after a long pause) 
Nina:- Yep, it’s the truth. We were all so busy that we didn’t had time to meet each other.
Ivan:- Oh okay, thanks.
Ivan thought for a while. He texted Alex.
Ivan:- Hey.
Alex:- Yo Bro! wassup?
Ivan:- Doing Great. I have a question. Will you answer it?
Alex:- Not on text! Why don't we meet up instead? Today's Friday, lets meet on Sunday. At Café Western Woods.
(Ivan opened google map to see the location)
Ivan:- Yeah sure,  but it's a bit far away from our location.
Alex:- Yeah, I know. The coffee there tastes really great. Just don’t tell anyone about this. Just you and me.
Ivan:- Yeah fine. On Sunday then? 
Alex:- Yup, 6 pm.
Ivan:- Sure, See you then. Good night…
Alex:- Goodnight bro…..
Next day, in the evening, Ivan tried to unlock his phone again. But it won’t open. Ivan saw his mom cleaning his desk earlier, he started checking his desk drawer. He saw his bike keys. He picked them up and went to his mom.
(The photo cube was placed inside the drawer and hence Ivan didn't saw that)
He called his mom “Hey mom!”
Ivan’s mom was in the kitchen. She replied, “Yes? Do you need something Ivan?”
Ivan was now holding his bike keys and showing them to his mom, “Do I have a bike?  Where is it?”
Ivan’s mom decided to go with Yuki’s story and replied, “Yes dear, you have a bike. There were some mechanical issues so you took it to the garage for some repairs.”
He looked at keys and said, “How many days since it’s been in garage?”
Ivan’s mom thought for a little and replied, “It’s been a week I guess. When you were admitted in the hospital.”
"It's been a week." Ivan said to himself.
Ivan was still looking at bike keys and said, “Will it be repaired by tomorrow morning?”
Ivan’s mom looks at Ivan, “Why? Are you going somewhere out tomorrow?”
Ivan replied “Yes. At café Western Woods to meet Alex.”
Ivan’s mom was now looking at Ivan with a stern but caring look, "You are not completely recovered yet, I’ll not allow you to go ride a bike this early. I’ll tell your dad. He will call a driver to drop you there."
Ivan agreed and went to his room. He was looking at the keychain hanging with the keys. It was a Red angry bird doodle carved into the wood. Ivan found it very pretty.
Suddenly! Everything went white as if a bright light hit him. He was now seeing himself in front of him. It appears that it was his birthday. Maybe he was seeing a vision.
Ivan heard a sweet voice, it was of a girl, "Happy Birthday Angry Bird. It’s been so long that we meet. Here’s your present!"
"Ugh! Just a keychain?"(Ivan now heard his own voice. Ivan was able to sense that there were other things in his present too but he was just able to see the keychain).
That same sweet voice he heard earlier, replied. ‘‘I knew you won't like it. It’s okay, let it be. Give it back, I’ll bring something else for you."

Ivan said "Oh really?" He chuckled. "I'm not giving it back. Were you really going to replace that? I just wanted to see your reaction. I know you made this yourself. That's the reason you have bandage on your right hand’s index finger. It’s hard to cut the wood in perfect Angry Bird shape. Thank you so much dear, your efforts means a lot to me."
He heard the Sweet voice giggling.
The vision ended, Ivan was now sitting in his room. Ivan was trying so hard but he couldn't remember the face of that girl. His head started banging again just like it did at the party. The pain was so unbearable, that he started screaming. Ivan’s mom entered the room and gave him pills for the headache. The doctor had prescribed medicines for Ivan incase of extreme conditions. After consuming pills, Ivan went to sleep.
After a very long sleep, Ivan woke up and looked at the watch. It was 1 o’clock in the afternoon of the next day. He came downstairs. Ivan’s mom said "How are you feeling dear?" Ivan replied "Better than yesterday."
Ivan took a shower, spent some time trying to unlock his phone but failed again. He looked at the clock and now it’s 5.30pm. He called his dad and after some time a car came to drop Ivan at the Cafeteria. Ivan’s mom gave him pills for the headache. If he needed those again.
Ivan reached the café, he saw Alex sitting there texting someone. Ivan went towards Alex and sat in front of him.
Later on, Ivan ordered a cappuccino and Alex had a cold coffee. The waitress who brought the menu card was wearing a cafe’s uniform.
Alex was now looking at Ivan. He relaxed on his seat and asked him, “So tell me, what do you want to know?”
Ivan’s face was like he was doing some deep thinking. After a pause, he replied, “There are so many questions that are running in my mind. First, What did you meant when you asked me what's my speed?”
Alex laughed and said “Didn’t Yuki tell you? I’m a weirdo.”
Ivan looked at Alex with a  'Really? That’s what your answer is?' face. Ivan said, "Why did we guys never meet in 7-8 months?".
Alex again laughed and said “Didn’t Yuki tell you? We were all busy in our college work.”
Ivan asked one more question, “Okay! Something unexpected happened with me in the hospital. (Ivan told Alex everything about that beautiful dark brown haired girl)”
Alex was still laughing and replied, “Yeah I know, I was outside of your room when you were talking with Yuki. But didn’t Yuki tell you? That you were Dreaming.”
Ivan’s level of patience was broken. He banged his hand on the table and raised his voice up, “Hey! I’m serious here! What do you mean by 'Didn’t Yuki tell you?' I just need answers, nothing else.”
Alex calmed Ivan down and replied, “Sorry man! I can’t tell you anything right now. I'll just suggest you one thing though, Do not believe anyone. Just listen to you heart, it's the only one who knows everything about your past.”
After listening to this, Ivan was totally confused. “What do you mean by that?” Ivan said.
Alex looked at him and said, “You will understand that later, if things are going as my prediction, you will have to listen to your heart.”
Ivan was now so clueless that he didn't even know what to say. “I don’t understand. What are you talking about?”
Alex leaned towards Ivan, “You will. Just don’t believe everything Yuki tells you to.”
Ivan saw a hint of confidence in Alex's eyes that he didn’t saw when he was talking with Yuki and Nina. He got a feeling that Alex was telling him the truth. Ivan looked at Alex and said, “Fine. I guess I'll just have to wait now!”
After a while, The waitress brought their orders. The waitress now was not wearing the café uniform as before. She was in casual clothes. Ivan didn’t notice that, he was busy talking with Alex.
Ivan casually asked Alex, “Hey! Do you know the password of my phone?’
Alex was smiling at the waitress and replied to Ivan, “No. I don’t know.”
Ivan was looking at his locked phone in frustration, “Of course, why would you know my password? Gosh! I wish I hadn't fallen down the stairs so hard. At least I would've remembered my password.”
Alex said, “Yeah, As per Yuki's story.” in a bit of a sarcastic voice.
Ivan raised his eyebrows and said, "What?". Alex replied by shaking his head, "Nothing".
After a bit of talking, they asked for the bill. Another waitress (now wearing a proper uniform) brought the bill. But this time she also had a note with that bill.
“Excuse me, Who is Ivan here?” said the waitress.
Ivan looked at the waitress with confusion, “It’s me.”
The waitress gave the note to Ivan and said, “Here’s a note for you.”
Ivan looked at the note and asked, “Who's it from?”
The waitress replied, “The girl near the counter.”
(The waitress turned towards the counter and pointed at an empty space. There was no-one. The girl had left.)
The note was folded. He opened it, there was a four digit number '0075' written on it. Ivan didn’t understand what this was and he was confused. But somehow, the handwriting seemed familiar to him.
After a few minutes of thinking, he took out his phone and typed 0075. To his surprise, the phone unlocked. It was the password of Ivan's phone!
Ivan was completely shocked. He ran to the counter asking about the girl who sent this note to him. The man on the counter said "She just left the café".
Ivan was now restless. He said, "Can you tell me what she looked like?". The man replied, "Maybe, she had dark brown long hair and she--". Ivan didn't even let the man finish his sentence. After listening to this, Ivan was completely shocked. He knew it was the same girl from the hospital.
He ran outside the café, but there was no-one. So many thoughts were running in his head. "Who is she? Was she real or my imagination? In the hospital, I thought I was dreaming, that she was imaginary. But now, in the café, she sent me a note. I don’t get anything, why doesn't she come in front of me?"
Alex came outside the café too. He saw that Ivan was furiously looking everywhere and he put a hand on Ivan's shoulder. “Relax bro. You will get her next time. You need to go home now. It's 7pm! You have to take tablets too. Else Yuki is gonna scold me.
Ivan said in a sarcastic tone, “Where did she come from? Did Yuki reject you when you proposed to her?”
Alex laughed, “This was a good one.”
After a few minutes, the driver came to pick Ivan up from the café. Ivan sat in the car and closed the door. Alex was standing outside and waved to Ivan, "Bye. We'll meet again."
Ivan smiled and waved back. When Ivan left the café, A girl appeared from the parking lot beside Alex.
Alex was looking at Ivan’s car which was now going more and more far away. And said, “You still remember his password huh?”
The girl replied “Yeah of course.”
Alex turned to her, “Great. So when are you going to tell him the truth?”
She sighed. And said, “It’s not the right time. It's too soon. Let him recover first. He has to remember everything.”
Alex took a deep breath and replied to her, “Fine. But let me tell you, this is another mistake of your life. If it's too late, there's no going back.”
The girl’s eyes were filled with tears, yet she was smiling, “I know. But I’m helpless.”
Alex looked back at her and said, “I’ll take care of him. Don’t worry about it.”
The girl smiled and nodded as she looked at Alex.

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