The Mysterious Girl. 1.

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A 21 year old boy named Ivan was sitting in front of a desk. He got a call from his friend. Her name was Yuki (Yuki was Ivan's best friend, she always cared for him and stood with him in any situation . They knew each other from their Junior college days).
Ivan was a little bit depressed from past few days, he argued with his friends, because they were forcing him for something that Ivan hated.
Ivan's phone was ringing, he picked up the call "Hey!"
Yuki knew that Ivan was stressed. "Are you okay? You look stressed these days."
"Why do you care?" Ivan said in a slightly rude tone.
"Hey, we know you are stressed and you don't believe in us. But trust me, we are doing this for your sake! What's wrong with her? And how long have you been like this? Look at you! What have you done with yourself!" Yuki replied.
Ivan got mad and said, "I don't need your favor or anything, just leave me alone! Please!"
There was a pause on the other end, but after a while Yuki spoke. "Okay, you don't like her, fine! I won't force you. But please atleast try to forget the past, will you? She forgot y......"

But before she could even finish her sentence, Ivan rejected the call and blocked her. He threw his phone on the desk in frustration. On the desk, there was a bottle of whiskey, lighter, and a photo cube (On the photo cube, there was little bit glue and paper marks. It looked as if someone snatched the photos out of it).
Ivan got even more frustrated after the call. He opened his desk drawer, picked up the bike keys, and went off to the place he always liked to visit. A place which gave him peace and used to relax his mind. That place was a lake with a peaceful scenery of mountains, green bed of grass. On the bank of the lake, there were rocks with enough place to sit on, the wind flowing over the lake was always cold.
Ivan was on his way to reach at the lake.
While riding, he saw a girl who was walking on the side of road. He slightly looked at her. She was a beautiful girl with dark brown long hairs which touched her waist, brown colored eyes which were shining, Soft red lips which didn't need any lipstick.
She looked at Ivan and tried to raise her hand but didn't.
Ivan knew her. He immediately stopped his bike and took a turn. He was looking at the girl, as he was crossing the street, he saw some flashing lights. Before he could even realize what was happening, he got hit by a car and rolled over the street, his head was badly traumatized.
After he got hit, his vision was blurred, he saw that girl running towards him...
Ivan closed his eyes. The girl called an ambulance.
After a long surgery, Ivan was rescued, but he was still unconscious in ICU. His parents were talking to the doctor. Yuki and all of Ivan's friend group was there at the hospital.
The doctor told his parents, "Ivan has traumatic amnesia. It's a little hard for him to remember everything. You all are close to him so he might remember something about you, but maybe he won't remember what relation he had with you all."
After the conversation between Ivan's parents and the doctor, the doctor left. Ivan's father had to leave as he got a call from his company, he was an Assistant Manager in well known industry. Ivan's mom, Yuki and Ivan's friends stayed there with him.
After 48 hours post surgery, Ivan slowly opened his eyes. He saw himself in the hospital. Everyone was looking at him with tensed expressions and with teary eyes. It looked like Ivan didn't remember anyone.
Ivan was looking at everyone and said "Who are you guys? Where am I? And what am I doing here?"
Ivan's mom had tears in her eyes when she looked at him and she replied, "Yes dear, you know us all."
Ivan was still confused "But what happened to me? Why am I here? Why don't I remember you all?"

Yuki knew that telling him the truth and stressing him out more doesn't make any sense. So she decided to lie and said, "Because you fell from the stairs at home. We were partying. The doctor said that it will be hard for you to remember us so let me introduce everyone. (Ivan's mom knew Yuki was lying. But she understood what Ivan was suffering from, so she decided to go with Yuki) Here, The lady wearing white dress with a 90s watch is your mom. You remember when you gifted her this watch from your savings? When you were in primary school?"
Ivan still doesn't remember "Maybe?"
Yuki smiled and said, "That's okay, don't worry you will remember everything. I'm Yuki, your best friend. The girl sitting next to your mom is Nina. You remember? She was a bookworm during our college days. She still likes to wear her old bunny hug jacket we all gifted her for her birthday. And the guy standing behind me wearing a checked shirt, his name is Law. He always acts like an old man in our group, just kidding. And do you see the guy near the window wearing black hoodie? His name is Alex. Just a weirdo of our group!"
Alex looked at Ivan and got excited "Yo! What was your speed bro? How fast were you?"
Ivan was confused "My speed? What do you mean?"
Yuki was shocked at this question and turned to Ivan, "I told you this guy is just a weirdo, ignore him. He is talking about you falling from the stairs."(Yuki enlarged her eyes while looking at Alex)
After a few hours of chit chatting, Ivan fell asleep. Everyone left the hospital. Ivan's mom went to buy prescribed medicines from the store.
While Ivan was sleeping, he felt like someone came towards his face which covered the sunlight on Ivan's face coming through the window, and he felt like someone was holding his hand. The touch was warm, and a sweet voice said "I'm always with you dear, don't worry." Ivan smiled and got tears in his eyes in his sleep.
After a few minutes, Ivan felt that person let go of his hand and was going out of the room. He opened his eyes and was looking at the exit but it was too late. He was unable to see their face, he just saw a long beautiful dark brown haired girl leaving the room.
Ivan tried to get up but his knee was injured so he started calling them out loud "Hey, Wait! Who are you?"
Ivan's mom heard that voice and she entered the room.
Ivan's mom looked at Ivan in a worried expression and said, "Dear! Are you okay? What happened?"
(Ivan thought it's better not to tell her what just happened in the room. He just shook his head.)
He calmed himself and said "Nothing, I'm fine. Maybe I was dreaming."

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