An Old Friend

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Senior year was a strange time for Jennifer Jones. There was a lot of pressure on all of them to get good grades on their finals, submit college applications, and keep up with continuous assignments. There was also a fair bit on shenanigans going on as students took their final chances to rebel against school rules, participating in pranks and detention-worthy behaviour, especially towards the Christmas break when they were hoping the festive spirit would rub off on teachers and save them from letters home and punishment. 

Linda was in that category of delinquents, and although her behaviour had gotten her kicked out of a few classes once or twice she still remained in her friends good books, even when she tried to convince them all to sneak up on the roof and pour paint over teachers as they left the building. She had far too little care for rules, though Jennifer supposed that Linda's recklessness made up for the rest of the groups almost perfect behaviour. As a whole, the friend group were far to preoccupied with studies and extra curriculars to spare a thought towards engaging in rule-breaking behaviour. Still, there were some occasions when they had a bit of fun, like when they snuck into the principles office and put out an unauthorised tannoy announcement, successfully convincing the entire school that it was a half day. Who said they couldn't have a bit of fun?

But Jennifer wasn't having fun now. 

It had been just over two months since D.C., and with Charles' help, Jennifer had scored herself a visa, finally making her a legal migrant. Sure, the fact that she now had to pay taxes sucked, but she now had a form of I.D., and more importantly it allowed her to do something she really wanted to do - apply to colleges. And that's what she was trying to do right now, somewhat unsuccessfully. 

She had spent weeks looking at different universities courses, even taking time to attend a couple of open days with her friends, but the excitement of higher education wore off when she was handed a pile of paperwork and application forms. 

University of Maryland was Jennifer's first choice for the sheer fact that it meant she could stay living with the Maximoffs and simply commute into the city via bus daily. It would save her a lot of money on accommodation and besides, she loved being a part of their family and under no circumstances did she want to move halfway across the country and leave it behind. That's why she was infuriated at the sheet of paper on the kitchen island. 

Maryland University wasn't the most prestigious university, so it wasn't the most difficult to get into, but that didn't mean it was easy either. Jennifer was on track for the grades she needed to get in, leaving just a personal statement to write - and that turned out to be the hardest task of all. 

Jennifer Jones was resourceful, determined and driven, courageous and kind and smart. All of this was evidenced in her extracurricular activities time and time again, but she couldn't exactly write about saving the world from nuclear war and sociopaths on a college application - not unless she wanted to be rejected and referred to an asylum. Hence why she was struggling so much.

There were balls of paper scattered across the kitchen, failed attempts of no more than three lines that had been crumpled and thrown in annoyance. After four hours, the only thing Jennifer could think to say about herself was balancing work and school, and that was hardly enough for the admissions team to accept her. 

Luckily, Jennifer was saved from a fifth hour of despair as the doorbell rang. She was the only one home until six, Peter supervising Maisie at a soft play birthday party and Laura working extra shifts at the hospital due to strikes. She sighed in relief at the break, and made her way to the front door. Chances are it was a salesperson or the postman with a parcel, or one of those guys trying to promote religion. Either way, she'd be back to writing -or more precisely trying to write, - in a minute. 

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