Chapter 9 - Prinzessin Pheonix (New Character Introduction Chapter)

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In the palace of Hertier D'or, where golden spires pierced the sky and magic flowed like a gentle breeze.. Misuze, with her piercing red eyes and a cloak that whispered secrets, stood beside Dante, whose steely resolve matched the blade at his hip.

Their destination: the grand palace, its golden gates gleaming in the morning sun. their footsteps echoing on the cobblestone path.

"Dante," Misuze murmured, her voice barely audible over the rustling leaves, "are you certain we're ready for this?"

He glanced at her, his eyes shadowed by years of intrigue and danger. "We've faced worse, Misuze. Besides, the Prince himself requested our presence."

As if on cue, the palace gates swung open, revealing a world of opulence and secrets. A sleek black car idled just beyond the threshold, its windows tinted to conceal the occupants. Misuze and Dante exchanged a glance-this was no ordinary assignment.

A figure emerged from the car, clad in regal attire that shimmered like moonlight on water. It was Prince Louis, His eyes held ancient wisdom, and his presence commanded respect. Beside him stood Sir Alaric, the prince's bodyguard and driver.

"Ah, Miss Zakura and Agent Dante," Prince Louis said, his voice carrying the weight of centuries. "Welcome. Please, have a seat inside."

The bodyguards flanked them, their expressions inscrutable. Misuze and Dante climbed into the limousine, its leather seats cool against their skin. The engine purred to life, and they glided forward, leaving the golden gates behind.

Inside, Prince Louis leaned back, studying them with keen interest. "What did your headmaster say, Miss Zakura?"

Misuze straightened, her spine rigid. "Headmaster Pheonix agreed to the meeting, Your Majesty. However, it will take place at the headquarters' public meeting ground. She believes in transparency.

Prince Louis leaned against the hood of the sleek black limousine. His eyes, sharp as a hawk's, followed the movements of the two agents

"I see, I understand," Louis said, his voice a velvet blade. "But could you also explain the pink bear stuck to the car window?"

Dante's hand shot to his earpiece, fingers trembling. "Agent Pinkbear," he barked into the mic, "do not-I repeat, do not-bomb the limo!"

"Bomb?" Louis raised an eyebrow. "Do you plan to assassinate the crowned Prince?"

Before Dante could respond, the limousine's sunroof window slid down, revealing a shock of pink hair. An arm emerged, delicate yet determined, and the pink bear was plucked from its precarious position. The window creaked open wider, and a small girl-who looked no older than 18-slid through the sunroof.

"Hmph!" The girl's eyes sparkled with mischief. "I was just making sure the limo wasn't rigged, Detective Zakura."

Misuze stepped forward, her cloak billowing like midnight silk. "Your Majesty," she said, "this is Agent Pinkbear. She's an expert in unconventional methods and-"

"-a master of chaos," Dante muttered.

"-and she's assisting us with this case," Misuze continued, ignoring Dante's eye roll. "Rest assured, Prince Louis, she won't harm you."

Louis regarded the girl with a mix of amusement and curiosity. "Agent Pinkbear," he said, "you certainly keep things interesting."

Pinkbear grinned, revealing a very sharp tooth. "That's my job, Your Majesty. Plus, I've got a knack for disarming magical traps."

The limousine's engine rumbled to life, and Louis gestured for them to climb inside. "Very well," he said. "I trust each of you. Let's unravel this mystery together."

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