Chapter 4 - Bloodline Of Evil

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In the shadowed corners of Kazekono City, where the moon's full glory was a mere ten nights away, the air was thick with anticipation for the festival that would illuminate the streets. Yet, for Zakura Misuze Mira, the city's most cunning detective, the lunar cycle brought not joy, but a reminder of the ticking clock. Her adversary, a figure shrouded in enigma, was known only by their crimson gaze and a trio of sinister abilities: a flaming artifact, the power to shapeshift, and the haunting chimes that could distract even the most focused mind.

Mira's own gift of metamorphosis, which had been her ace in unraveling countless mysteries, now left a bitter taste in her mouth. The thought that this malevolent killer shared her unique talent was a pill too hard to swallow. It was a cruel twist of fate, a mirror reflecting her own abilities back at her in the darkest shade.

As she delved into the recesses of her memory, Mira sought to grasp the sensation of the spell that had once ensnared her. It was a deathly embrace, a sensation akin to being slain and resurrected in the same breath. From her harrowing experience, she knew it was a curse that robbed one of their will, puppeteering their body while siphoning life away. This grim recollection weakened her resolve, but Mira was not one to yield to despair. She knew that knowledge was her weapon, and the local library of Kazekono her armory.

The library, a sanctuary of wisdom, was tended by Hua Cheng, a woman whose lineage traced back to the dragons of China. Her family's roots were as deep and ancient as the texts that lined the shelves, having migrated and settled in Kazekono City generations ago. Hua Cheng's greeting was as warm as ever, "Welcome Miss Zakura~," her voice a soothing balm to Mira's troubled spirit.

Mira scoured the clan books with a fervor, flipping through pages with the hope of uncovering secrets about the enemy's abilities. But the tomes were silent on the matter, offering no clues to quench her thirst for answers. In a moment of frustration, her voice echoed through the hallowed halls, "Ahh geez these books have nothing about this ability!" The sharp 'shush' from another patron brought her back to the quietude expected within these walls.

Apologies whispered, Mira was lost in thought when Hua Cheng's gentle approach broke her reverie. "Miss Zakura? May I help you?" she inquired, her friendly tone a stark contrast to the gravity of Mira's quest. "I'm looking for Clan books, do you have any other editions?" Mira responded, her voice laced with urgency.

Hua Cheng nodded, a knowing glint in her eye, "Mhm... Follow me, miss~." Her soft invitation led Mira to the library's rear, where the air seemed to hum with hidden knowledge. With a simple incantation, Hua Cheng unveiled a secret chamber, its entrance materializing as if conjured from the very essence of mystery. It was here, in this secluded repository of forgotten lore.

In the labyrinthine depths of the Kazekono Library, where whispers of the past mingled with the scent of ancient parchment, Hua Cheng, the guardian of this trove of knowledge, conjured a small flame. The fire danced on her fingertips, casting a warm glow that sliced through the dimness, revealing the contours of her dragon heritage in the flickering light.

Misuze, her mind a tempest of thoughts, ventured a question as they navigated the maze of bookshelves. "So, uhm, you really know everything about this library?" Her voice was a mix of curiosity and awe.

Hua Cheng's response came with the ease of one who had traversed these halls a thousand times. "Mhm, miss, every single part~," she affirmed, her dragon tail deftly extinguishing the lights with a flick of a switch. "Darling, of course, I know where everything is. My family owns this place~" Her words were laced with pride, a testament to the legacy she upheld.

Before them, a towering edifice of books spiraled upwards, its apex lost to the shadows above. It seemed an endless pillar of knowledge, each tome a silent sentinel of history. "I'll go get your books, just wait still," Hua Cheng instructed, summoning small dragons that flitted between the shelves with practiced precision. They scanned each spine, their wings stirring the air with the sound of rustling leaves.

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