Chapter 2 - Shining Gifts Of The Moons

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As the sun cast its light over the city two days later, Misuze found herself immersed in yet another round of investigations. With just 12 days left before the festival and the ominous full eclipse of the seven moons, the looming threat of another death hung in the air like a sinister shadow. Determined to unravel the mysteries shrouding the recent murder, Misuze hastily donned her missionary outfit, grabbed her jacket and boots, and set off into the unknown.

Her first stop: the Yamada residences. As she approached the imposing gates, Misuze was met by a vigilant guard whose watchful eyes seemed to bore into her very soul. With a quick flash of her badge and a curt declaration of her identity, "Zakura Misuze, investigation purposes," she gained reluctant admission into the secretive enclave beyond.

Navigating through a series of stringent checkpoints scattered along the path leading to the heart of the village, Misuze couldn't help but notice the palpable tension in the air. The air crackled with an unspoken fear, each checkpoint a stark reminder of the heightened security measures put in place in response to the recent tragedy that had befallen their clan. It was evident that the specter of the mysterious killer still haunted the minds of the inhabitants, prompting them to fortify their defenses in a desperate bid for protection.

With a determined rap on the door, Misuze stood poised, awaiting entry into the heart of the Yamada household. The heavy wooden door creaked open to reveal an elderly gentleman, his voice carrying a hint of age but radiating warmth as he greeted her, "Yes, young lady?"

Straightening her posture and adjusting her glasses with a flick of her wrist, Misuze introduced herself in her characteristic calm demeanor, "I am Detective Misuze Zakura. I've come to conduct an investigation and ask a few questions, if that's permissible, Mr. Yamada." Her words were accompanied by a gentle smile, intended to convey both reassurance and respect.

Mr. Yamada's response was immediate and hospitable, ushering her inside with a gracious gesture. "Of course, come in. Zuko, lend me a hand with preparing some tea and bread," he called out to an unseen presence within the house.

As Misuze crossed the threshold into the Yamada abode, her keen gaze fell upon a young boy with striking light green hair. Their eyes met, and in that brief moment, she sensed a flicker of curiosity and scrutiny emanating from him. Silently acknowledging him as Mizuki's younger brother, Misuze couldn't help but admire the intelligence and perceptiveness reflected in his gaze, noting to herself the potential significance of his presence in her investigation.

As they settled at the dimly lit table, Mr. Yamada's voice trembled with a mixture of grief and frustration. "I've been longing for someone to delve into my daughter's case. All they've done is pose inquiries, but there's been no progress on apprehending her murderer," he said , his words hanging heavily in the air. With a weary sigh, he continued, "I really miss my daughter"

Listening intently, Misuze's curiosity piqued. "please do tell, who was the investigator assigned to the case?" she inquired, her gaze probing.

"It was Mr. Dante," Mr. Yamada replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "He probed about her interests, the usual routine. Naturally, I provided him with the information he needed."

A flicker of disbelief crossed Misuze's face. "Mr. Yamada," she interjected, her tone urgent, "Sir Dante has been stationed in Italy for the past three years. It's impossible that he could have conducted the investigation here whilst handling a case abroad."

A sudden realization dawned on Misuze, prompting her to swiftly access her tablet. With nimble fingers, she input a series of commands, verifying Mr. Dantes current whereabouts.

Agent Dante, Location: Italy

Misuze's heart raced as she pieced together the puzzle. "Were there any peculiar inquiries made by sir Dante?" she pressed, her mind racing with possibilities.

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