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I have to say, for a tree house, it was a nice place. I found that it had multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, which made sense considering it seemed like it was meant to hold every girl who was stopping by for a visit.

I found plenty of food and drinks in the kitchen. There was a coffee machine, which I was excited about. I also found juice and soda, and lots of stuff that I could cook for dinner. Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad.

The best part though, I think, was the living room. The was a huge, comfortable couch facing a big television. I was really looking forward to laying there and watching a movie, relaxing like I hadn't gotten the chance to in a while.

Being alone in the tree house also gave me some time to think. I found it funny that Griffen had walked us all the way to the opposite side of the "city" to bring me here, even though it would have been a lot less walking to drop off Alex first, seeing as the boy's wing was much closer to where we had started. 

I was a little bit jealous, if I'm being honest. Alex was becoming seemingly such good friends with Griffen so quickly, but whenever I tried to talk to him, he ignored me. Yeah, Ash is cool and all, but what kind of girl does not want to be friends with the handsome brunette boy with bright blue eyes?

But no matter. He'd warm up. It gave me hope that he not only ignored me, but also Connor, and Connor is the nicest person you'll ever meet. Everyone likes Connor. He just needed time, thats all.


I was having a rather nice time, sitting on the couch, drinking orange juice out of a coffee mug, alone with my thoughts. It was at this point, however, that I heard the door burst open, and I was greeted by Ashley's unmistakable happy "Hello!"

I spun around to look at her. She was beaming.

"Just dropped your brother at the other guest house," she said cheerily, "thought I should come back and talk to you for a while."

"Cool," I realize that may have been a curt response, especially toward someone who had been so kind, but I really did not feel like talking much. Which was fine, because, as it usually goes, I assumed Ashley would be doing most of the talking.

"So you guys are triplets?" she asked, settling down next to me on the couch, "that's so cool."

I grunted.

"I've always wanted a twin. Griffen is a year and a half older than me. I bet you guys are all best friends, always nice to each other and all."

I did not know what world Ashley had been living in her whole life, but wherever it was, they did things very differently. Yes, obviously my siblings and I were close, but I would not say that we were nice to each other all of the time.

Here is how it worked in my house. Alex and I would argue. A lot. Well, really, I make fun of him for literally everything, and then, sometimes (rarely), he fights back, which is obviously what I want. I'm not trying to be mean of course, it is just what big sisters do. 

And then Connor is the eldest. He absolutely hates conflict. He never lets us have any fun. Like, when I finally get Alex mad, and we start arguing, he always breaks it up and tells me to "chill out" or whatever.

But I did not feel like explaining that to her, so I just said, "yeah."

Then, out of nowhere, she said, "You know Adelaide, I think we are going to be good friends."

Oh boy. This is going to be a long stay.


Author's Note

Hi guys! It's finally Friday! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!, I realize that Monday's update actually published on Wednesday, which is really weird. I don't know why that happened, but I'm sorry about the late update. My computer is getting old, so that might have something to do with it. I'm going to get that figured out, and hopefully it will not happen again...

Anyways, as always, thank you guys for all of the views and votes on this story. We are creeping slowly but surely towards 300 reads, which is incredible. I am always open to any feedback or questions, so feel free to comment. 

Okay, that should be about it. See you guys on Monday!

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