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I like school. Not the learning part. Does anybody truly like the learning part? I think that the learning portion of school is boring. But the fun that classes lack is made up for when we get time to hang out with our friends.

I spent most of my free period with two girls. Judy and Evelyn. They have been my best friends for longer than I can remember, and they are the best friends anyone could ever ask for. They are good listeners, they are funny, and they are trustworthy. Alex used to hang out with us too, but then people started bullying him for constantly hanging around a group of girls, so now he mostly sits alone.

Connor sometimes eats with him, but mostly he sits with his girlfriend. They are together a lot at school, probably because Eiffel can't come over to our house.

I guess another reason I like school is that it is a way to get away from home. I know that there are people out there who have it worse than I do, but I still like to be in a place where people see me as more than a weak girl.

"Hey, you guys should come to my house tomorrow, It's my birthday, and I think we could spend the weekend at my place. Like go to the mall and the spa and stuff." I smiled. We were all from Texas, but most people at school didn't have a very heavy accent. Judy did, and it was comforting to me.

"Sounds fun," I said.

"Yeah, I'll come," Evelyn agreed happily.

I glanced over. at the table in the back of the cafeteria. Alex sat there alone, like he usually did. He looked sad. More than usual. I felt bad for him. He tried to make me and Connor think that he was this cocky, silly guy, but I was his sister, and I knew well enough that all this stuff at school really was taking a toll on him. I wish he would talk to us about it. Maybe we could help.

My gaze traveled to the table closer to the other side of the room. I locked eyes with my brother. We had I silent conversation. He was worried about Alex. I nodded towards were he was sitting alone, and Connor nodded.

"I'll be right back," I said to my friends, standing up.

"Okay!" Evelyn said happily. 

I slowly made my way towards Alex's table, watching Connor stand up and kiss Eiffel on the forehead before walking in the same direction. I avoided the gaze of other students, not trying to draw attention. I knew that Alex didn't like us trying to help him, but at the end of the day, we were his siblings, and we had to be there for him.

I sat down at the table, Connor following soon after, and Alex looked up from his food.

"Hi," he said dryly.

"Hi," Connor said with the happy smile he always wore, "how are you doing?"

"Fine," Alex said. 

"Were they bullying you again?" I asked, deciding to skip the pleasantries.

"No," Alex said quietly, quite clearly lying.

"Are you sure?" Connor asked. He was worried, but he was trying to stay happy in hopes that Alex would cheer up because of it. I knew that. That's my brother, always happy.

"Yes," Alex said, suddenly becoming quite interested in his lunch.

"Really?" I asked, admittedly slightly accusingly.

"Yes," Alex said.

"Really?" I started, but Connor cut me off.

"Don't push it," He whispered. I nodded. I saw my friends waving to me from the corner of my eye. I glanced from them to Connor to Alex and back. Connor nodded towards them and told me through his eyes that we should leave our brother alone. 

I walked back to my table. Looking back every couple steps. Connor was still sitting at the table, his hand rubbing Alex's forearm. I was sure Connor was doing a much better job comforting him then I would have. Connor was good at that. He listened well. I decided that Connor knew what he was doing. He knew Alex better than anyone. Probably better than me. They told each other everything.

Sometimes I was jealous of that relationship. I kind of wish I had someone to share secrets and feelings with. Of course I had my friends, but I did not have a sister. It would have been cool if we were quadruplets, two boys and two girls. But no, there were three of us. And I was the odd one out.

I arrived at my table, lost in thought. I sat back down with my friends, and my thoughts were interrupted by Judy.

"So," she said excitedly, "about my party."


Author's Note

Hello again! Happy Friday! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's taking a while to actually get the story started, but I am very committed to having good character development. The real plot will likely start to go into play next chapter. 

I know I say this every time, but thank you guys so much for reading. I love writing so much, and I really hope y'all enjoy reading what I write. I really appreciate comments from you guys. it means a lot to see your feedback and thoughts.

Okay, see you Monday!

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