forty-two • Dread

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It was a feeling that robbed you of your senses, immobilizing you until you couldn't think of anything else. You shriveled, you weakened and when it was over you disappeared completely. Right now that same dread washed over me, stole my thoughts until I was forced to face it. I held my breath to keep myself from throwing up and twisted my key into the front door. There was no ring to protect me, no clever lie. If I was facing my final punishment, I'd have to do so head-on.

"River," my mother looked me up and down as she walked into the kitchen. I hid my hands behind my back and frowned, "Mom. Is dad home?" My voice echoed shakier than I intended which seemed to catch her interest.

"No, your father left not too long ago. He left something in your room for you. I've no clue what it is," she brushed me off and started cutting a red pepper. I watched her hands, suddenly wishing it had been me she was cutting into pieces. Anything would be better than what I was feeling right now.

"Oh, alright thanks." I shrugged and stalked toward my room. My mother called after me and gave me another once over, "Is everything alright?"

Everything wasn't alright but I was more concerned with who had been asking me the question rather than the answer. Things had been weird with my mother for the past few weeks but it was only getting worse. Asking me how my day was, leaving me the last slice of pie instead of giving it to my father. I should've been grateful, relieved. Unfortunately, the only emotion I could muster up was terror.

"Yeah everything is fine I'm just tired. I think I'll take a nap before I go to the church later on."

"Don't bother, it's going to be snowing again soon and pastor Lowel is home with his daughter. Sleep if that's what you want but be sure not to miss dinner. I'd like to not have a repeat of the other night."

The incident. A show of dramatics if nothing else. I was out late at the library helping Amilie place returned books and I hadn't been keeping track of the time. When I got home, my parents were already sitting at the table eating dinner and to no one's surprise there would be none left for me. No, instead I had to sit and watch them eat and I didn't mind. Dean's mom packed me a big lunch so I wasn't feeling hungry anyways. Whatever lesson they were trying to teach me, went unlearned that day.

"Right, I'll set an alarm or something." I half smiled and headed for the stairs. I couldn't be so lucky though. "River?" She called after me again. I turned on my heels and tried my hardest not to look annoyed with her. She walked towards me, eyes anywhere but my own, and pulled my hand from behind my back.

"Where is your ring?"

"My what?" My tongue ran dry and my head filled with an unbearable lightness. I pulled my hand away from her and stepped back."I think it was starting to get a little too small for my finger. I took it off to check and I dropped it in the snow. I tried to look for it but I couldn't find it."

She scowled at me before holding a finger up in the air. After a minute or so she walked over to a locked cabinet in the kitchen and pulled out a ring box. She wiped a layer of dust from it with her thumb and sighed before giving it to me. I grabbed it hesitantly and opened the black velvet box.

"This was my ring. Your grandmother never made me wear it so it's in good condition. I don't care what you do when you leave this house but when you're home keep this on."

"Why?" I finally asked and she was taken aback. "Excuse me?" Her brows furrowed and she clutched the cross splayed on her chest.

"I mean why are you doing this? Do you feel bad for me or something? You've been acting strange for weeks now and I don't know what to do with it. If I should feel comforted or terrified you'll switch back to the monster you usually are. Just tell me how you want me to react to you." I couldn't take it anymore, the constant back and forth. For the past decade, my parents only had one face, a face that was filled with reprehensible evil and now I was expected to accept another. I couldn't, not until she gave me an answer.

𝑪𝑹𝒀 𝑴𝑬 𝑨 𝑹𝑰𝑽𝑬𝑹 (18+)Where stories live. Discover now