fake allegation

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The old man standing in front of Evara took out his purse, withdrew some cash, threw it at Evara's face, and said, "Stay out of my daughter's life."

"Excuse me, sir, but your daughter is the one making our lives a living hell," spat Evara angrily, taking a step closer. "Discipline her a bit instead of teaching her how to be a brat."

"How dare you talk to me like that," said the old man. But before he could say anything else, he received a phone call and left, giving her an angry glare.

"Like father, like daughter," uttered Evara under her breath.

Aditi returned, tucking her phone into her pocket. When she reached Evara, she asked, "What the hell is this?" as she glanced at the money lying on the ground.

"I'll tell you later, but don't touch these. We can't get our hands dirty," said Evara.

Pavel also returned. "Well, ladies, should we go now?" he asked with a slight smile on his face.

"Yeah, let's go," replied Evara.

"Before that, let me inform Ivan," said Pavel.

"Pavel dialed Ivan's number, and soon they all headed to their car. Ivan occupied the front passenger seat, his gaze fixed on his phone screen. Aditi and Evara exchanged incredulous glances in the backseat, observing Ivan's detached demeanor.

'Is he always like this?' Aditi whispered to Pavel, unable to hide her surprise.

Evara nodded in agreement. 'Probably says, what, 50 words a day, if that?'

They conversed in hushed tones, hoping Ivan wouldn't overhear. But Pavel interjected, 'Even if you whisper, he can hear you.'

'He can?' Evara questioned, startled.

'Yes, he's right in front of us,' Pavel explained patiently. 'You think whispering makes you silent?'"

"Where are we going?" asked Evara, her curiosity piqued.

"To your college!" replied Pavel casually.

"What!" exclaimed Aditi and Evara simultaneously, their shock evident.

"Yes, Ivan mentioned it. I forgot to mention it to you," Pavel explained.

"Why on earth are we going there?" Aditi demanded, puzzled.

"Only Ivan knows. I'm as clueless as you are," Pavel admitted, shrugging.

They argued all the way to college, unaware they had arrived on campus. The car stopped inside the campus. Ivan, in his cold and deep voice, said, "Get out," while putting his phone inside his pocket. Aditi and Evara exchanged a puzzled look and then glanced at Pavel.

"Well, you heard him, get out. He doesn't like waiting. If you don't, he will choke you both to death," replied Pavel.

"We can't get out. We are accused of lies. We can't get out," said Evara.

"Think again, because if you don't, he will drag you out." Replied Pavel

Ivan was already outside, waiting for them to get out of the car.

"Please, try to understand. Listen to me. I promise nothing will go wrong, please," Pavel pleaded.

After some consideration, Evara and Aditi stepped out of the car, followed by Pavel. As they entered the university, everyone stared at them.

As Evara and Aditi were talking to Pavel while walking, Ivan walked silently in front. Evara, Aditi, and Pavel followed behind, with Aditi giving Pavel an angry look. Evara asked, "Are you kidding me? Why did you both bring us here again?"

Pavel replied, "Why are you getting so angry at me? I didn't do anything."

Just then, Ivan entered the principal's office, leaving Pavel, Aditi, and Evara outside. Aditi said, "Why did he go into the principal's office? Is he going to complain about us? We're already struggling here."

Pavel responded, "As if! Ivan doesn't have time for such childish things."

Evara then asked, "Then why did he go inside?"

As Aditi, Evara, and Pavel waited outside the principal's office, they wondered what Ivan was up to. When Ivan finally emerged, he headed straight toward the auditorium. Evara and Aditi exchanged confused looks and asked Pavel why Ivan was going to the auditorium, but Pavel just shrugged.

Peeking through the auditorium doors, they saw Ivan standing on the stage, facing a large crowd of students. They could see him speaking to the students, though they couldn't make out his words. Suddenly, Ivan turned around and motioned for Aditi and Evara to join him inside.

As Aditi and Evara's eyes grew wider, they looked at each other in disbelief. Aditi whispered, "Is he out of his mind?"

Suddenly, Pavel, standing behind them, gave them both a firm push into the auditorium while he stayed behind.

Aditi turned around and shot Pavel the deadliest glare she could muster.

Pavel muttered to himself, "I'm going to be murdered once they get out."

As Aditi and Evara stepped inside, they could see clearly that all the students were gathered in the auditorium. At the back, a few reporters were standing.

Evara gave Aditi a look that said, "What is going on?"

Ivan, standing on the stage, began speaking in his usual cold and deep voice. "I decided to step in. I didn't want any accusations of bullying associated with my employees. So, I investigated. If they were found guilty, I would have fired them. If they were not, I would clear all the false allegations against them. As I delved into the matter, I discovered that they were the ones who got bullied. For that reason, I am suing this university for falsely accusing two students of being the bullies when they were, in fact, the victims. I am also suing the students who provided false information."

The students in the auditorium watched in shock, their eyes growing wider as they began to murmur among themselves. Ivan finished speaking and left the stage, walking out of the auditorium. Evara and Aditi, still confused by everything that had just happened, quickly followed him outside.

Aditi and evara caught up to Ivan and asked him why he intervened to save them from the bullying allegations.pavel walking with them

Evara asked, "Why would you do such a thing?"

Ivan replied, "I don't like controversy, and since you were involved in this one, I couldn't take any risks."

"I conducted an investigation to learn the truth. As it turns out, you were not the bullies, and the truth had to come out eventually, so it might as well be today." He spoke in his usual bold manner.

Aditi then asked Ivan, "So you didn't do it for us, but because you didn't want to get dragged into the controversy?"

Ivan tersely replied, "Yes."

Evara chimed in knowingly, "That explains a lot."

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