go and die

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On a sunny day, the sound of a train filled the air. A girl sat in her car, about to cross the train tracks. She stopped when she saw the warning sign. Suddenly, the train got really loud. It had derailed and was crashing. The girl's eyes got wide with fear. She quickly backed her car away, and that saved her from the crash.

The girl's head started spinning with fear, so she quickly got out of the car. Her feet carried her in different directions as she tried to find a safe place.

She found a spot by a wall, with her car parked in front of her. Despite this, her head continued to spin. She knelt down, trying to close her ears tightly, as if she was struggling to control the spinning sensation.

Slowly, the girl's condition improved, and she managed to stand up. However, confusion still lingered on her face. She got back into her car and started driving. But as she approached the site of the train crash, everything seemed normal. The chaos and wreckage had vanished, leaving her perplexed and wondering if what she witnessed was real or just a figment of her imagination.

For a moment, the girl entertained the thought that perhaps it was all just her imagination. But as she resumed driving, a sense of unease lingered. Suddenly, when she glanced into the rearview mirror, her heart skipped a beat. There, reflected in the glass, was the scene of the accident once again. Confusion gripped her as she struggled to comprehend how the wreckage could reappear when there had been no accident before.

She pressed down on the accelerator, increasing her speed in an attempt to escape the inexplicable phenomenon. After about 10 minutes of driving, she abruptly stopped in front of a grand, castle-like house. The entire estate gleamed in pristine white, surrounded by thick trees in the garden and a towering boundary wall encircling the property.

The girl exited her car and approached the imposing gate of the grand mansion. She entered the house and ascended the stairs with measured steps. Upon reaching the top, she pushed open a door to find four girls seated inside the room.

"So you came," one of the four girls said, breaking the silence.

"Yes, I came." replied the girl who had just arrived. she approached a room filled with flower bouquets, from which a foul smell emanated. Without hesitation, she opened one bouquet and threw it to the ground, revealing a fleshy substance hidden within. "Now, explain this," she asked in anger

"One of the four girls said, 'Okay, let's not argue here. Let's go outside and talk about it,'" as they made their way downstairs. They headed to the garage, where one of them retrieved a car key and unlocked the vehicle. They all piled in, and with a turn of the key, they drove away, leaving the mansion behind.

The girl from the beginning whipped around, her expression now contorted with anger as she addressed Sneha, who was sitting behind her.

"What have you done, Sneha?" she demanded, her voice sharp with frustration and anger.

"I, ?, not only I, all of us, well not you, but four of us did it. You have anything else to say?" replied the girl Sneha defiantly.

The girl from the beginning clenched her fists, her anger boiling over. "I knew it," she retorted sharply.

Sneha smirked, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Well, we are taking you somewhere, and we are four, and you are one. Guess where we are taking you?"

"I don't know," replied the girl from the beginning, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Suddenly, she reached for a hammer that was lying beside her seat. With a swift motion, she struck the head of the girl who was driving, causing blood to gush from her skull. As the car swerved, she smashed the window with the hammer and prepared to jump out.

But Sneha was quick to react, grabbing hold of her hand and refusing to let go. The girl fought back, grabbing Sneha's hair and pulling her head towards another girl. With a final tug, she broke free and leaped out of the window

The girl who had just jumped outside landed on the ground, her chest heaving with adrenaline as she looked back at the car where the four girls remained, one of them now lifeless. Through gritted teeth, she muttered under her breath, "Go and die."

Suddenly, there was a deafening blast as the car erupted into flames, engulfing it in a raging inferno.

The girl stood up, methodically brushing away the dust from her clothes with a blank expression on her face. There was no trace of emotion as she started walking away from the scene, her steps measured and deliberate.

(Scene changes )

A boy awoke from his sleep, clutching his head in pain. Groaning softly, he tried to make sense of his surroundings amidst the throbbing ache in his skull "It was a really strange dream," muttered the boy, his voice tinged with confusion and discomfort as he tried to alleviate the throbbing headache.

The room, with its dark theme, felt vast

as a guy entered and stood in the doorway. "Ivan, your dad is sending you to India," he announced tersely.

Ivan withdrew his hand from his forehead and slowly rose from his bed. He reached for a jacket lying on the couch and shrugged into it before turning to the guy at the doorway. "Why so suddenly?" he asked

The guy settled himself onto the couch with a casual jump, his expression animated as he continued. "Remember that business idea you gave to your dad? Well, he used it in the Indian market, and it blew off big time. The cars you're selling are being bought by every single billionaire in Mumbai, Delhi, and many other places," he explained, excitement evident in his voice.

"Well, it was predictable," replied Ivan nonchalantly as he made his way towards the door. On his path, his butler appeared and handed him the car keys with a respectful nod.

Ivan made his way to the car and settled into the driver's seat, starting the engine and turning on the radio for some music. He drove for 40 minutes until he reached a grand mansion. Stepping out of the car, he handed the keys to another person, presumably one of the caretakers of the property. The man accepted the keys and went to park the car, while Ivan entered the house and made his way to his father. Adjusting his jacket, he settled onto the couch, waiting for his mother to join them. His father was already seated across from him. After a few moments, his mother also came and sat

"Pavel told me that you have decided to send me to India," Ivan asked, his voice laced with a cold and detached tone

"Yes, because your idea worked out. So, it'll be better if you go there to manage all the work. After all, one day, you will be the one to look after our business, which is spread in many countries. So, it's better to start gaining some experience now, also take pavel with you,Since I've managed everything here, how do you plan to go? Be ready. You're taking off tonight " replied Ivan's father, his voice carrying a tone of authority and determination.

"But wouldn't that be very fast?" Ivan's mother questioned, her gaze shifting towards her husband for his input.

"No, that is not very fast because I have been planning this for a while now," replied Ivan's father, affirming his confidence in their preparedness for the journey ahead.

"Okay then" replied ivan as he left

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