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(Next day morning )

After Ivan and Pavel disembarked from the plane in India, they proceeded through the bustling airport terminal. First, they went through immigration, where their passports were checked and stamped. Following this, they collected their luggage from the baggage claim area. Lastly, they passed through customs where their bags were briefly inspected to ensure that they weren't carrying any prohibited items. Once all the formalities were completed, they exited the airport, stepping into the vibrant and chaotic atmosphere typical of Indian airports.

As Ivan and Pavel exited the airport, four bodyguards swiftly approached them, their presence indicating a high level of security planned for their visit. Ivan was not surprised by this, understanding that his status warranted such precautions. As they started walking towards the exit, a man broke ahead of the group to introduce himself.

"I'm Rajiv," he said with a polite nod. "I'll be coordinating your security during your stay. We're heading to a residence that has been specially prepared for your visit, It's equipped to ensure your comfort and safety."

With the introduction out of the way, the group made their way to a waiting convoy of vehicles. The bodyguards remained alert, scanning the surroundings as they escorted Ivan and Pavel through the throngs of people and out into the busy streets, heading toward the specially prepared house.

"How long has your dad been planning this? When did he have a house made for you?" Pavel asked, his tone suggesting he wasn't surprised, as if it were exactly the kind of grand gesture he expected from Ivan's father.

"It's just like him," Ivan replied coldly, without a hint of warmth. "Always orchestrating things behind the scenes."

As they made their way to the house, Pavel maintained the conversation while Ivan remained silent, showing no inclination to engage. Rajiv, on the other hand, took on the role of answering Pavel's inquiries, displaying a thorough knowledge of their surroundings. The vehicle they traveled in was a sleek black car, with one of the bodyguards positioned at the wheel. Rajiv sat beside the driver, taking charge of the navigation. Meanwhile, Pavel and Ivan occupied the back seats. Another car trailed behind theirs, containing the rest of the bodyguards, ensuring their security every step of the way.

"So, what's this place called again? What is the name? It was Dolly right ?" Pavel asked.

"No, it's not Dolly, it's Delhi," replied Rajiv, correcting him without shifting his gaze from the road.

Curious, Pavel continued, "So, what is this place famous for?"

"Well, it's renowned for its rich history, diverse cuisine, and numerous attractions. Moreover, the education provided in Delhi is highly regarded compared to other states in India," Rajiv explained.

"Ah, education as well?" Pavel sought confirmation.

"Mainly colleges," Rajiv affirmed.

"Looks like we're here," Rajiv remarked casually, breaking the silence.

The car glided to a halt in front of the grand mansion, its imposing gates swinging open. Ivan stepped out, assisted by a sharply dressed attendant who graciously opened the door for him. Pavel and Rajiv exited the vehicle on their own, surveying the expansive garden that stretched out before them, bathed in the soft light of the slowly rising sun.

(Scene shifts)
(9:00 am )

As the girl stood on the side of the road, beads of sweat trickled down her forehead, her backpack weighing heavily on her shoulders. "Uncle, uncle, can you take me to Mukherjee Nagar?" she pleaded with the rickshaw driver, but he simply shook his head in refusal.

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