Chapter 20

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"What did you find?!" All three had shouted at Sunny with a desperate look at the she-wolf with the results they sought. Sunny hadn't expected the three of them to jump out before her right as she barged in.

'They are her kids.' Sunny thought, holding the paper out. "This is a rare herb that hasn't been around in ages. This herb is known as Lave Pell. Lave Pell is a herb that hasn't been around in ages since it is so hard to grow with the right soil and temperature. I've taken a look and researched for the past few days and came to find out that there only exists one to this day."

"Where is the herb?" Kenta didn't want to wait anymore; they had been waiting for days, almost coming by a week.

Sunny finally snapped back from her researched information, nodding her head to know it was better to save Mayu than to keep waiting. "Lave Pell is in Blueyaine city. If you go now, it will take two days to get there by car. The Lave Pell belongs to a family with the surname Aisha." Sunny said.

Kenta's expression grew shocked; he didn't think he would be hearing a surname after all these years. But, then, his expression increased worried; he was supposed to be in debt to the Aisha family since Shiva saved his family. Yet, he was going to ask for help from Shiva to get the herb. "Where does the Aisha family live?" He asked, pulling along a coat.

"They live in the Wayther Residential. It is a private residential place for everyone to live in with a great place known for its high security." Paul showed up, telling their alpha all the detail that he knew.

"High security." Kenta didn't think they lived in that area, but he had to come across Shiva again and ask for her help. The hard part was that getting the herb wouldn't be easy since only one exists today. They would either take it lightly or not; he needed to get the herb.

"There is an open opportunity right now. They are looking for a bodyguard to help keep an eye on their daughter." Paul said.

"Keep an eye on their daughter? What is the reason?" Kenta had never heard about Shiva being a problem child, but it was strange how they wanted someone to keep an eye on Shiva.

"It seems as though her mother passed away when she was thirteen years old, and then her father remarried to a rich widow," Paul explained the situation, but Kenta had stopped him from moving on to the following details. "They are looking for a woman to be a bodyguard. However, they prefer not to trust a man since they aim to marry Shiva to a wealthy family friend in the business."

Kenta felt an unsettling feeling in his heart, he didn't know why he felt that way, but he did not like the marriage part. Even his wolf was a bit angry inside. "I will go."

"What!? Kenta, do you understand what you are asking for?!" Suzu shouted, looking at her brother, who would go there.

"I am going to become their bodyguard and then earn their trust. We need that herb; the only way we can get it is to steal it from them or earn their trust. Knowing Aunt Mayu, if she were to find out that we stole it. She would be distraught with us." Kenta knew their aunt, and he didn't want to make her disappointed that they stole something that was never theirs.

"Kenta, you are a male. How will you hide the fact that you are a male?" Suzu didn't know how their brother would hide that he was a male when they were looking for a female to be their daughter's bodyguard.

"You both don't know your brother all too well." Kenta had always been able to pass for a woman whenever he went all out in dressing. Yuna and Suzu were a bit lost, Kenta had gone off and dressed up, and the pack knew he had a thing for occasionally dressing up as a woman. It was rare to see their alpha dressed up, though. Walking out, Kenta was still a bit tall but would be labeled a she-wolf when he went to the interview. Overall, he passed everything once he was dressed up as a woman. Combing back his long hair, it was extensions that were attached. He even had make-up is worn, which made him look more feminine.

"Holy crap! Kenta looks beautiful!!!!" Suzu shouted, staring wide-eyed at Kenta, who was more beautiful than any woman she had seen other than their aunt. "You've been doing this for how long!?" Suzu wanted to know every detail, while Yuna had the same thoughts and questions in mind.

"I can answer all your questions again, but not right now. I have to get to Blueyaine to get to that interview." Kenta had packed whatever he needed; he would entrust his pack to Tristen, his close friend and comrade who knew the pack.

"Are you sure that you don't need us there with you? We want to help aunt as well." Suzu didn't want Kenta to get in harm's way; she and Yuna held onto their brother's hand, which took care of them.

"Yeah, you both must stay with the pack and care for aunt. I will have Paul and Spike come with me, though. It would be better to have more than just myself there. You two, be sure to pack what you need. You both will play the role of my brothers." Kenta needed an excellent background made up by the time he went to see the Aisha family for the interview.

Suzu and Yuna hugged Kenta tightly, they didn't want their family to be separated, but it was unavoidable ever since they came across Kasen, who wished for vengeance. Kenta hugged his two little sisters back, laying a kiss on top of both their heads. "Stay here, and don't cause any trouble." He told his two sisters, who nodded their heads. Kenta took a car down with his two friends, who came along as he asked. Mayu was still in her soul form; she had gone along with the three of them and wasn't like ordinary people. She could quickly come and go without needing her body nearby to move.

"Well, I must watch you since you will finally meet your mate. It won't be easy, though. I will have to find a substitute body to help me." She said. Floating around, she no longer stuck close to Kenta and his group since she needed to find a body to go into for the time being. Looking all around, she smiled to see what she stumbled upon. "I suppose this will have to do. The good thing is that I can still talk through it." Entering the little creature's body, she opened her eyes to see what she had become. 

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