Chapter 11

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Mayu was a little taken aback, but she had nothing to judge for since she had seen many who had difficulties finding out who they were. "Kenta, did you perhaps want to try to wear one?" She didn't want him to feel like he was supposed to wear boy clothes.

"I-I just wanted to know how I would look like wearing it." Kenta's cheeks were red, scratching the back of his head. "I still like girls but want to know what I would look like." He clarified.

'I didn't ask him about that, but I wouldn't have cared since it is you. No one should have to judge you for your sexuality.' Patting his head, she did not want him to feel insecure. "Sweetie, no one can judge you for who you are. Come, aunt will help you." Taking his hand, she had the two of them enter her room, where she had taken one of Yuna's big dresses that was still too big for her to wear. 'Hm, I never thought to cut his hair. I suppose it is good since he wants to try something new.' Combing his hair down, she had him dressed up in girl clothes which surprised her to notice now that he was a pretty boy that could pass for a girl. "There we go. All done." Bringing out a mirror, she turned the mirror for Kenta to take a look at him.

Kenta was surprised to see himself in girl clothes and two braided pigtails. "Is this really what I look like?" He felt his face around, looking at himself once more intently.

"Mhm, you don't have to start immediately. It can also just be something that you do from time to time. I do not mind how you do things like this. You are like my son, and I love you for being you. Got it?" Mayu accepted all of them. However, you wanted to be.

Kenta hugged his aunt, smiling after seeing that she was the best thing to ever happen to him. "Thank you, Aunt Mayu."


The days passed quickly, and Christmas was around the corner. Snow also fell at this time; Mayu smiled to see the snow outside on their land. Mayu had sent the two older kids to school, she was spending her day folding clothes and taking care of Suzu, who was intently looking at singers, but they were not real life. 'Oh, it seems she has been interested in animated shows.' She could see Suzu, who kept eyeing the fictional characters in the TV show. 'I would have never thought she would be interested in these things.' Then, going to Suzu, she carried the little girl into her arms while smiling. "Do you like animation shows?" She asked.

Suzu smiled and nodded in response, "Anima!" She said incorrectly, making Mayu chuckle to see how adorable it was with how she said it.

'She looks adorable saying it with her baby teeth popping out.' Looking at the time, she noticed it was about time to pick up Kenta and Yuna. "Alright, you will get to watch more later, but not too much. We need to pick up your older brother and older sister." Getting her car keys, she tucked Suzu into the car seat. Then, entering the driver's seat, she started the engine and headed to the school.

Hearing her phone ringtone, she did not think there would be a phone call at this time. "Hello!"

[Mayu!!!! Where the hell have you been?! You've been gone for almost three years now! When are you going to publish another book!?]

Mayu had to take the phone away from her ear, hearing her publisher, whose family had served her for years since she was their savior. "You know that I asked for a break." Then, letting out a sigh and saved their family from a guillotine since they were framed for something they did cause.

[Mayu! You are a renowned writer, and you must keep your readers well-updated and continue to support you!]

"Alice..." Mayu wanted to tell her she couldn't but knew she had been spending a lot. 'I need to be able to save up so they can at least go to college. It would be good to start saving up more if they want to start a business.' Returning to Alice, who had been waiting for her to finish what she had to say. "Fine, let me start right after I pick up my niece and nephew."

[What?! Since when did you have a brother or sister?!] Alice was surprised since she had never heard of Mayu having another family member.

"You don't need to know. I will send you the book after I finish it." Then, hanging up the phone, she did not want to hear any more from Alice, who would wish for the full details. 'It seems as though I will be busy.' Stopping at the school, she wore sunglasses and a hat to hide, carrying Suzu while waiting outside the school gates for Yuna and Kenta.

"Ken! Yun!" Suzu shouted, pointing at the two who walked out together.

Kenta and Yuna ran over to Mayu and Suzu, smiling to see that they had come to pick them up. "Alright, let's hurry on home. This is the week that you all get a winter break." Both agreed; they held onto the side of Mayu's jacket. They were walking back to their car when they were stopped by debt collectors bullying a young boy who looked no older than Kenta. Mayu didn't feel any stinging this time, but she could see that the young boy was heavily injured by the people beating him up.

"Oh, it seems as though you all happened to stumble upon us at a good time." (Debt Collector)

Mayu handed Suzu to Kenta, pushing the three of her children behind her this time. The boy that the debt collector's men beat up had gotten up, holding onto the debt collector's leg to stop him. "Your business is with me! Not them!" He shouted at the thug.

"Hm, you couldn't even pay for your mother's debt. What makes you think that you can pay for it now?" The debt collector had kicked off the boy and started walking toward Mayu and her kids. "What a real beauty. I can see that behind your glasses and that hat. There is more hidden behind it."

Just when the debt collector was about to touch Mayu's cheek, the boy from before stood in front of Mayu and her children. "As I said, your business is with me, not them." The young boy could be heard with a growl, drawing Mayu's attention. 

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