Chapter 15

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Returning home, she knocked on Kenta's bedroom door. "Kenta, I wanted to talk to you."

Kenta had been looking at the things his aunt had given him; he loved them very much and had set them aside before allowing his aunt into his room. "Aunt Mayu, what did you want to talk about?" Mayu had sat down in the desk chair in Kenta's room, gesturing for him to sit on his bed before talking. Kenta did just what his aunt wanted him to, sitting down while looking at her. "What did you want to talk about? It won't ever happen again if it is because of that one fight with the other students."

"Not that." Mayu knew he would think about that situation first, but she didn't want to discuss it since the other students were at fault. Instead, she was more interested in knowing if Kenta had any interest or feelings toward Shiva. "You were saved by the girl known as Shiva. How do you feel about her?" Then, bringing up that question, she wanted to know if there was anything that he felt for Shiva. Even though they were both still very young, it would take a few more years to grow up.

Kenta had pondered for a bit, but there wasn't a look of any affection for Shiva to the mention of it. "She seems okay." Kenta didn't hesitate when he said it and stared up at his aunt. "How come aunt is asking about her?"

"I was just curious since you have to be sure to one day repay her for he kindness. If she didn't save you, then who knows what could have happened to the family." Then, patting Kenta's head, she smiled and at least wanted to be able to help Shiva one day for what she did for them. "You got it?"

Kenta sighed, but he nodded since it was confirmed that Shiva had saved him and his family. "I know. I will be sure to repay the debt one day." Kenta found it bothersome but didn't want to make his aunt unhappy. "Aunt, can you teach me a few more things?" He asked. He was slightly blushing red while looking at his aunt, his only role model.

Mayu didn't know what he wanted, but she smiled softly and nodded since it could involve his hobby. "Yeah, I'm willing to teach you." She said.

After teaching Kenta a few things in regards to the woman part of make-up and hairstyles, she wasn't going to be one to judge him because he wanted to learn and know more. Coming across Darius, who had bumped into his aunt, he nearly fell back when she hugged him close. "Darius?! Are you alright???" She hugged him close, looking down at him soon after.

"Y-Yeah..." Darius was more surprised that Mayu had caught him before falling, which upset him. He had pushed her away soon after with a blushing face. "Thank you." He didn't want to look like someone who could quickly be forced around. "Hey, can we talk alone?" Darius was now the next one who tried to talk to Mayu.

Mayu wasn't one to say 'no' to these children she took in; she smiled and nodded to Darius. Taking his hand soon after, they both went to the balcony as the night was beautiful. "What did you want to talk about?" She leaned against the rail and stared up at the bright moon. Darius had walked over, doing the same as Mayu, looking from her face to the moon. "How long do you think you will stay with all of us?" He asked.

Mayu didn't expect that question from him, but the wind had blown her hair that swayed with it. There was only another smile, she could continue to live on for years, but now... she had three tasks to fulfill. "For as long as you all need me." She told him.


Each season had passed, and time flew immediately in the blink of an eye.

15 years later...

Mayu walked up to the school gate to a high school and waited for the last kid to finally come out from school, looking down at her watch as she waited. Then, hearing them, hearing the bell ring, she felt a warm hug that enveloped her with a smile that appeared on her face. "Aunt!" Suzu shouted, hugging Mayu, who had watched this young one grow from an infant to a young woman.

"Suzu, how was your day at school?" Both started to walk back to the car, driving back home.

"School was great! I was signed up to perform in the talent show right before graduation!" Suzu's feline ears and tail popped out; she had been waiting to let them freely out all day. She never liked revealing that she was a werecat, so she always waited after school to let them out.

"That's great, sweetie! Are you going to be singing?" Mayu then asked, knowing that Suzu had been singing her whole life, but it was due to the TV shows she came to like. She thought Suzu was into animation, but it was more of the songs.

"Yeah! I plan to make a list and narrow down my options! I am going to move everyone's heart!" She was determined to have everyone's heart moved by her voice. Mayu was happy that all of them were growing up now.

"Good, I will call your brothers to come back and see the talent show. We will all come and support you." Making it back home, Mayu and Suzu entered their home and were greeted by Yuna's warm hug. "Yuna, how was your day today?" Mayu smiled down at Yuna, who usually worked from home since she was more of an artist. She knew that Yuna was aiming to become an artist, and with her help as a well-known writer, it wasn't hard to have Yuna known. She would help Yuna occasionally, but most of the efforts were what Yuna put into getting well known and getting her artwork well known.

"Good." Yuna still didn't speak much. Even though she couldn't communicate that well, she never usually went out anyway to talk it out since Mayu's assistant always did the work.

Mayu still worried it would be hard for Yuna to see a bit into the world. She had planned to have them go out and spend some time together or go on vacation. 'It wouldn't be good for her to remain in the house forever now.'

"Yuna! I am going to be entering the talent show!" Suzu shouted, hugging her older sister tightly back. Yuna treasured her family dearly; she always spoiled Suzu when it came to certain things, and Mayu would always have to tell them not to spoil Suzu since it would be a bad habit. Yuna had held out some lollipops for Suzu, who smiled brightly and took them into her hands. "Yuna is the best!!!"

"Yuna, stop spoiling your sister. It's not good to always spoil her." Mayu had to tell Yuna yet again to stop spoiling Suzu.

Yuna only gave that look, 'I can't help it.' Mayu knew that Suzu was very unresistible regarding her cute side. A very innocent werecat that couldn't harm even an ant.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Mayu pulled out her phone to start calling the other two boys. 

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