Chapter 8 - Entrance Exam (2)

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Three hours have passed, and yet, Kyla still hasn't seen the gate of the academy. The forest on Hera Island seems endless, and it is very tiring.

Kyla and Zayvier finally get away from the chaos of people killing each other. Thanks to the prince, Kyla managed to stay away from trouble and avoid fighting. Killing someone? Ah, she's still not ready for that; however, she is ready to learn how.

Both of them are quietly walking. Zayvier is walking meters away from her, and she is trailing from behind. No one is talking, and yet, the silence is too loud for Kyla. The prince of the Dilimto Kingdom is helping her? That's weird.

Zayvier Mavroskia is definitely not a good person, that's for sure. Killing people for entertainment is absurd behavior.

Kyla clenched the straps of her backpack as she watched his broad back. Up until now, she has been wondering where the hell his things are. He is just walking freely without thinking about his belongings.

"We are near," Zayvier suddenly said, breaking the silence.

"How did you know?"

"Are you doubting me?" the prince answered with another question, his tone showing a tint of annoyance.

Kyla huffed, "Just asking."

"I saved you from those people, for I could tell that you still don't know how to kill a person," he stated, his eyes still focused on the front.

Kyla wanted to protest; however, he was right. She just rolled her eyes, then looked away.

"I'll take that silence as a yes," Zayvier added, after not receiving any response from the girl.

Minutes later, running footsteps can gradually be heard from behind. Before Kyla even turned her head, the hood of her cloak suddenly went above her head, blocking half of her face.

"What the—"

"It's me, Kyla!"

Kyla pulled slightly up her hood. "Dante?" She turned to her side, seeing him walking beside her with her sister, who was trailing from behind.

Jaynnia crossed her arms; her face shows irritation at the fact that her brother made her run just to catch up with the girl she hates. She swears to Primis that her brother must not fall in love with a low-level girl.

Zayvier noticed this that made him stop walking, making the others follow his action. He turned around, and his eyes landed on Dante and Jaynnia.

Dante and Jaynnia immediately bowed their heads, "Your highness."

"Hm," Zayvier hummed as he could tell that the siblings are quite familiar to him, especially seeing their sky blue outfits.

'That swirl wind symbol,' his eyes landed on the embroidery of their clothes.

"I'd say that the Windash siblings don't have any intention of fighting me. As well as to the girl I'm with?" he added as he glanced at Kyla.

The siblings raised their heads. "Of course not, your highness," Dante didn't hesitate to reply.

"Very well," Zayvier nodded his head.

After receiving the confirmation that their prince would not end their precious lives, Dante turned to Kyla and gave her a big grin.

"It looks like we are part of those 25 people," he stated as he patted her head, making the hood of her cloak fall back and messing up her hair on purpose.

Kyla sighed. "I'm not a child, you know."

"Yeah, but your height—"

"I think we need to continue walking; I don't want to waste more time," Zayvier suddenly blurted out, his tone showing irritation.

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