Chapter 6 - Windash Family

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To be more precise, four days have already gone by during the trip. Kyla still hasn't seen Zayvier; even in the cafeteria, he is nowhere to be seen. She also doesn't have a knowledge the place of his room.

Perhaps, she reasoned, being a prince came with different perks than for them as mere passengers.

It's not that she misses him; in fact, she doesn't care about him at all. She just simply wants to know why, in the last few days, she hasn't felt his presence.

"One day to go," she mumbled as she leaned on the railing on the deck, inhaling the fresh air coming from the salty ocean.

On her first day, she is quite afraid of seeing the ocean. The others saw how she struggled walking towards the ship railings. She looked like a child, learning how to walk. You can say she's a bit of a clumsy person.

"Woah, you are not finally scared of going outside from your room," a boy suddenly appeared beside her, which the girl herself jumped a little as a response.

'He just popped up out of nowhere.'

He leaned his back against the railing and rested his elbows on it, supporting his weight as his gaze fixed on Kyla, who was staring at him as well.

"Who are you?" Kyla raised her eyebrows.

The boy chuckles. "I'm Dante!" he says, raising his hand towards her.

Kyla looked at his hand, then at his face. "Kyla," she coldly replied, shaking his hand.

"Hah! What's up with that cold tone?" Dante tilted his head.

"You seem to be making fun of me about me getting scared back then; it's an embarrassing moment; I don't want to recall it," she sighed.

Dante laughed. "Oh, no worries. I won't talk about it anymore."

He seems to have a happier, more upbeat personality than her. Kyla is equally taken aback and perplexed that someone has spoken to her. While others are simply avoiding her, this boy is not.

"You know, you've already caught my attention since the first day of this trip. I've seen you and Prince Zayvier aboard together and having a conversation with each other. That's unusual for the prince, if you're going to ask me," he shrugged his shoulders.

"I just happened to encounter him," Kyla replied with honesty.

"That's a rare encounter!"

"Pfft, oh please. Don't make me laugh; I don't even know him if he didn't introduce himself to me."

Dante was about to laugh, but her words quickly processed in his mind. "He introduced himself to you?"


"You're joking! Haha, what a nice joke, Kyla!"

"I'm serious," Kyla grumbled.

"Whatever you say," Dante said, wiping a fake tear from his eye.

Kyla shook her head, no matter what she say, he still wouldn't believe her. She does, however, feel at ease chatting with Dante.

"Thanks for talking with me," she suddenly said, which took Dante aback.

"Woah, what's with the sudden, thank you?"

"You are the first person who has truly spoken to me in the last four days. I simply want to express my gratitude to you." Kyla slightly smiled.

"Oh," Dante suddenly felt flustered at the words she blabbered, his cheeks slightly turning red, and the girl herself noticed this.

"However, don't take my words into something romantic, for I don't have time for that," Kyla chuckles at the words she said.

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