❤️💜💙💚 KISSWorld Pranks ❤️💜💙💚

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It was just after the concert and I was in the mood for mischief.

While playing at that water squirt game, Starchild came by and when he wasn't paying attention, I sprayed him with the water gun.

"What the"?!

He got his hair all wet.

Then, he turned around and see me standing there laughing.

"You look like a drenched kitten"!

I snickered.

Starchild chuckled at me with a playful glare.

"Two can play at that game..."

He smirked that famous Starchild grin that most women can't resist.

I squirted him again and this time, he got hit in the face.

Then, I ran away laughing my head off.

In the KISS world cafe, Demon was busy eating yummy food and had a large sized sofa.

He was enjoying himself when all of a sudden, a water balloon hit him in the back of the head.


Demon got up and looked around for the culprit, but there was no one around.

Grumbling to himself, he at down at the table and began eating his food.

I giggled while hiding behind a building nearby.

Just as I was about to throw another water balloon at Demon, Starchild caught me red-handed and stood there and asked:

"What are you doing with that water balloon"?

"Oh geez"!

I was so startled that I accidentally threw the water balloon, and it hit Demon in the face, splashing a ton of water all over him and his food.

Demon quickly turned around and when he saw me, he did not look happy at all.


He roared loudly.

I backed away a few steps before turning around in the other direction and running away from the scene.

Demon wiped the soggy French fries off his face before walking away to go and get himself cleaned up.

"I do not like this".

He grumbled as he walked past Starchild.

The cosmic rockstar shook his head while smiling, and then went searching for me.

Meanwhile, Catman was taking a nap on a bench.

I sneaked up on with an air horn and squeezed the little button to scare him with it.


Catman's sharp claws retracted out, snarling like an angry kitty cat ready to defend himself.

But after a few minutes of waiting, nothing else happened.

Shaking his head in disbelief, the KISS drummer wandered off to go see what the other guys were up to.

In the dressing room, Spaceman was rearranging the strings on his guitar.


I jumped out from behind him and sprayed him with silly string.


After I was done, I ran away from and out of the dressing room.

"What in the name of KISSteria is going in here"?

Spaceman wandered out loud.

Ten minutes later, Demon, Catman, and Starchild were both packing up their instruments onstage for the weekend.

Starchild was polishing his guitar and when he was done, he could literally see his own reflection on it.

I was hiding below the stage with a whoopee cushion and had secretly placed it on a seat where I knew that Starchild would be sitting in.

Just as Starchild sat down, a farting found was heard.

Demon, Spaceman, and Catman looked up at him in surprise.

"...Pardon me".

Starchild cleared his throat and sheepishly blushed.

But then Catman noticed something on the frontman's seat.

"Is that a whoopie cushion"?

He asked.

"Seems like it to me".

Spaceman confirmed.

I was giggling so hard that it was becoming hard to keep quiet.

Then, Catman's sensitive hearing heard my laughter, and he opened the little door that went to the storage area.

"Hi guys"!

I waved at the band.

Starchild then realized that I was the culprit.

"You've got some nerve pranking the hottest band in the world".

Demon grumbled.

Starchild used the power of the Eye to read through my mind.

He saw everything and how I had scared Catman with an air horn and sprayed silly string all over Spaceman, and then he saw me hiding behind one of the buildings near the KISS world cafe while setting up the water balloons to throw at Demon while he was eating.

And of course, he already knew about me spraying him in his hair with a water gun.

I knew I was in for it.

"Actions have consequences, little lady..."

Starchild playfully glared at me.

"But it wasn't me"!

I protested.

"The Eye never lies".

Starchild pointed to the black star on his left eye.

Scooby Doo And Kiss: Rock N Roll Mystery OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora