🧡🧡 A Fox In A Meadow 🧡🧡

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Eric Carr was in his fox frolicking in a meadow that was filled with snow.

He was having a great time.

"Eric, wait for us, you silly fox"!

Suzy laughed as she and her friend Emily walked across the meadow.

Eric Carr sniffed around for a while and then found a mouse scurrying underground.

He used his tiny paws to dig up all the dirt.

Once he found the mouse, he prepared to do a pounce.

Once he found the mouse, he prepared to do a pounce

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Eric Carr had missed his target and now his face was covered in snow.

"Oh no"!

Suzy ran over to make sure that her foxy was okay.

"I'm okay"!

Eric shook the snow from his furry body and then continued to go exploring.

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