🤎🖤 The Dog-Sitter 🤎🖤

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One day, the Dog received a call from a good friend of his and asked him to watch over his pet, because the family were going to Disneyland on vacation, and they couldn't take their pet with them.

I was excited because I loved animals and so did the Ankh Warrior.

So, me, the Fox, and the Ankh Warrior decided to help the Dog out with watching over his friend's pet so he wouldn't have to do it alone.

When we got to his house, Bruce opened the door for us and said that his friend had just dropped off his pet literally eight minutes ago.

"Where is it, Bruce"?

Ankh Warrior asked, watching Eric Carr switching to his fox form.

"She's in the guest room that I set up yesterday after band rehearsal".

Bruce led us to the guest room and what we found was the most adorable thing we'd ever seen.

It was a female shih tzu puppy, and she had a cute little pink bow in her hair.

"Aww! How cute"!

I grinned, carefully walking over to the shih tzu and getting down on my knees so that I was knee-level with her.

Eric Carr was curious sniffing the puppy with his pointy fox nose and the puppy licked him.

They went around the guest room chasing each other.

Ankh Warrior found a squeaky toy pink ball that was in a pile among other chew toys.

He whistled for the puppy and the adorable pooch barked and speed-walked towards him.

"You're a pretty little one, aren't you"?

The lead-guitarist smiled with a chuckle as he petted her gently.

I went over to join him and the puppy wagged happily as she licked my hand.

"Here girl"!

Bruce picked up one of the chew toys and threw it across the room.

The puppy excitedly went after the toy and then once she grabbed ahold of it, we all laughed as she began to chew on it.

Then, after we were done playing fetch, the tiny pooch started to feel tired.

I suggested that we make all of us something to eat for lunch, and the guys agreed with me.

While the Ankh Warrior and the Fox were making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, the Dog and I stayed in the living room to keep an eye on the shih tzu puppy.

I gave the puppy some fresh water to drink and watched her lap it all up.

Then, me and the boys ate our lunch.

When we were done with all that, it was nap time for the shih tzu puppy.

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