Chapter 374 Timeless Cultivation

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Time passed day by day.

Han Li spent his days ripening spiritual herbs, concocting the required "Yellow Dragon Pills" and "Golden Marrow Pills," and immersing himself in cultivation, completely entering a state of austerity.

Of course, he also followed the cultivation techniques of the Myriad Spirit Sect to train the white spiders and other strange insects, which could be considered the only joy in his cultivation.

But as Han Li estimated, it only took him a little over a year to reach the ninth layer of Qi Condensation, which was simply flying compared to before.

However, Han Li was still somewhat dissatisfied with this speed. After reaching the ninth layer, he made a bold decision to intermittently take three Foundation Establishment Pills.

With the powerful medicinal effects of the pills, Han Li spent another year or so re-entering the Foundation Establishment stage.

At this point, he could finally use his Innate True Fire.

Immediately, Han Li stopped concocting low-grade pills and began refining several kinds of pills suitable for the Foundation Establishment stage according to the formulas.

According to Han Li's calculations, apart from the "Qi Refining Powder," which he had taken too much of and no longer had any effect on him, the other three types of pills should help him advance his cultivation to the late Foundation Establishment stage without any problem.

However, according to his original plan, Han Li did not immediately deepen his cultivation by taking pills. Instead, he accumulated pills to refine the "Great Development Technique" in preparation for creating his "External Incarnation."

When Han Li initially cultivated the first level of the "Great Development Technique," he surprisingly succeeded, mastering it in just half a year.

This success gave Han Li some confidence in his ability to cultivate the second level of the technique, despite his poor talent in comprehending elemental spells. Therefore, he had great confidence in cultivating the second level of the "Great Development Technique."

The second level of the "Great Development Technique," as stated in the incomplete manual, would greatly enhance divine sense and allow the user to create over a hundred incarnations. When combined with the puppet technique, the true terrifying power of the "Great Development Technique" would be revealed.

Although Han Li knew that cultivating the second level would be much more difficult than the first, he did not expect it to take nearly six years of continuous cultivation to barely succeed.

It took almost half again as long as he had anticipated, leaving Han Li extremely frustrated!

Moreover, the torment of forcibly strengthening his divine sense made Han Li shudder every time he recalled it, feeling fortunate to have survived.

In addition, three years into his cultivation of the Great Development Technique, a disciple of the middle-aged cultivator from the Trading Immortal Pavilion, who had suffered greatly at Han Li's hands because of his qualifications as a merchant on the Great Island, came to challenge him again at Han Li's small Huan Island under the orders of his master.

As a result, he was trapped in Han Li's formation for three days and nights before Han Li, who happened to be leaving seclusion at the time, found and released him.

Han Li had long forgotten about this incident due to the difficulties of cultivating the Great Development Technique.

Facing Han Li, who concealed his true cultivation level with the Nameless Qi Concealment Technique, the frustrated man, who had been trapped in the formation for several days and was a bit impatient, was easily defeated by Han Li, making him think that Han Li's strength was merely due to powerful magical treasures, and he could only leave in frustration.

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