Chapter 208: Intimate Encounter

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Han Li felt like he had just experienced a remarkably vivid and sensual dream. In the dream, he was entangled with a passionate woman whose face remained elusive. They tangled and embraced for what felt like an eternity, allowing him to taste the sweetness and tenderness of a woman for the first time. However, the woman seemed insatiable, always wanting more, drawing him deeper into a realm of affection from which he couldn't escape.

But as good as the dream was, there came a moment of awakening. Han Li wasn't sure how much time had passed when he finally woke up from the passionate dream.

But when he opened his eyes, he was met with an unmatched beauty and a pair of eyes as cold as snow. The face was both unfamiliar and familiar, causing Han Li's heart to skip a beat and sink.

"You're awake!" The woman, who appeared to be around eighteen or nineteen years old, said faintly, devoid of emotion, sending a chill down Han Li's spine.

Realizing his own nakedness, Han Li felt a pang of embarrassment as he tightly embraced the equally unclothed woman. The woman's face flushed red at first, but then her brows furrowed, and her face became covered in frost, as she coldly said:

"Have you had enough?! Withdraw your hands and release me immediately!"

Startled, Han Li instinctively withdrew his hands and released the woman.

As soon as the stunning woman saw Han Li let go of her, she immediately propped herself up with one hand. However, as soon as her slender waist straightened, she let out a painful cry, her delicate features contorting. She swayed and fell back into Han Li's embrace, allowing him to once again experience the sensation of holding something soft and delicate.

Han Li didn't consider himself a villain, but neither did he consider himself a gentleman. So when the woman once again initiated intimacy, Han Li, who was now fully awake, didn't hesitate to embrace her tightly and kiss her passionately, causing the woman's initial resistance to melt away.

What followed was a natural progression of events. Han Li and the woman once again indulged in the intoxicating pleasure of intimacy without exchanging a single word. This experience was even more intoxicating and wild than their previous encounter.

Now, the stunning woman lay with her eyes closed, nestled against Han Li's chest, her cheeks flushed red, her bosom rising and falling unevenly, still not fully recovered from the intense excitement. Han Li held her with one arm while his other hand continued to caress her voluptuous curves, savoring the lingering taste of pleasure.

After some time, the woman's breathing finally steadied, and her complexion returned to normal. She gently opened her eyes.

This time, she didn't say a word to Han Li. Instead, she immediately pushed away his wandering hands, stood up with a cold expression, and walked towards a nearby storage pouch. Han Li was slightly surprised but hesitated for a moment before not stopping her.

The woman retrieved a snow-white dress from the pouch and dressed herself gracefully. Within moments, she transformed into an elegant and noble figure. Then, she turned to look at Han Li, and her expression froze for a moment!

Because Han Li had already stood behind her, dressed neatly, and was looking at her with admiration, which stirred something in her heart.

"I am who I am, and you know it well! What happened between us was just a mistake! Let's just forget it as if it were a dream!" The woman lightly brushed her hair and said indifferently.

"I understand," Han Li replied calmly after a moment of silence.

"If anyone finds out about what happened today, I will kill you!" The stunning woman suddenly threatened coldly.

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