Chapter 378 Half-Year Agreement

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As the protagonist, Xin Ruyin, was initially excited as well!

After all, this concerned her long-standing stubborn illness. However, after her expression changed several times, she hesitated and said, biting her red lips:

"Senior, what exactly do you need the junior's help with? Just say it! As long as it's not something against morality and conscience, this little girl will definitely agree!"

When Xin Ruyin said this, her clear eyes stared straight at Han Li, afraid that he would make demands she couldn't agree to.

Seeing her cautious look, Han Li couldn't help but smile knowingly.

It reminded him of his own cautiousness when he first embarked on the path of cultivation, afraid of making any missteps and losing his life.

"Xin Daoist friend, there's no need to be so nervous. I just want you to help me repair something related to formations. As long as the item can be restored, I will hand over the spiritual grass with both hands!" Han Li said calmly afterward, without avoiding her gaze, appearing open-minded.

Upon hearing this, Xin Ruyin was somewhat skeptical.

But she still breathed a sigh of relief and said with a relaxed tone:

"If it's just repairing an item, then there's no problem! I will do my best to restore it, so please rest assured, Senior."

Although this woman's expression had been lukewarm, her sudden bright smile and charming demeanor left Han Li somewhat stunned, momentarily lost in thought. Not to mention Qi Yunxiao, who had been infatuated with her for many years, became even more mesmerized by her smile and couldn't help but be entranced again.

Seeing the unusual look in Han Li's eyes, Xin Ruyin couldn't help but blush, adding a few more hints of charm to her appearance.

Only then did Han Li realize that he had been a bit out of line, quickly regaining his composure and continuing:

"To be honest, although I know that Daoist Xin must have a deep understanding of formations, I'm not sure if you can repair this item. The original item cannot be moved and is quite far away, so I copied it into a blueprint. I hope Daoist can discern some clues from the blueprint to repair it!"

As he spoke, Han Li took out a jade slip from his storage bag and handed it to her. Xin Ruyin took the item and immediately immersed her consciousness into it, examining it with curiosity.

The contents of the jade slip astonished her, and she exclaimed:

"An ancient teleportation array?"

Upon hearing her exclamation, Han Li's last trace of worry vanished!

The teleportation array was indeed ancient. Now, it remained to be seen whether this woman could repair it?

Thinking like this, Han Li couldn't help but pay close attention to Xin Ruyin's expression at this moment, fearing that she might show signs of difficulty!

And when Qi Yunxiao heard the words "ancient teleportation array," he also showed a surprised expression, his eyes filled with astonishment.

After a stick of incense's worth of time, Xin Ruyin breathed a sigh of relief, finally withdrawing her consciousness from the jade slip.

Then, after pondering for a moment, she raised her head and said seriously to Han Li:

"This is indeed a genuine ancient teleportation array. Originally, with my level of proficiency, I wouldn't be able to repair a completely destroyed ancient teleportation array. However, the damage to this teleportation array is minimal, only a small corner of it is damaged. And coincidentally, this part of the formation is one of the few ancient formations I have studied. So it seems that there is still hope to restore this ancient teleportation array."

As Xin Ruyin finished speaking, a look of joy appeared on her face.

Upon hearing this, Han Li naturally felt overjoyed, but the next words from her dealt him quite a blow.

"However, this kind of ancient formation is not commonly used, and my research on it is not very deep. Therefore, Senior will need to give me some time to completely repair the teleportation array blueprint in the jade slip!" Xin Ruyin continued, with a somewhat embarrassed expression on her face.

"Of course, but how long do you estimate it will take, Xin Daoist friend? I'll come back then." After thinking for a moment, Han Li readily agreed.

"About half a year should be enough! After all, I've studied it for some time before!" Xin Ruyin replied without hesitation, indicating that she had already estimated it herself.

"Alright, I'll come to collect the repaired blueprint in half a year. I hope Miss Xin won't disappoint me!" Han Li smiled and nodded in agreement.

And so, Han Li officially entrusted the task of repairing the ancient teleportation array to Xin Ruyin, the female formation master. After chatting with Qi Yunxiao and the others for another afternoon, he bid farewell.

Before leaving, Han Li reminded them to be careful and suggested that they change their place of residence. After all, those killed cultivators would definitely have people coming to investigate the murderer, and it would be too easy for them to be exposed in the nearby area.

After Han Li said this, Qi Yunxiao and Xin Ruyin exchanged a glance, both showing a hesitant expression. In the end, they didn't express agreement or disagreement with Han Li's suggestion.

Although Han Li found it somewhat strange and worrying, he didn't say anything more, and he flew away from the place with his magical weapon, heading towards the country of Yue.


In the country of Yue, there was a capital city, the famous Yue Jing!

Not only was it the largest city in Yue, but it also happened to be located in the very center of Yue, with connections everywhere, serving as the economic and cultural exchange center of the entire country.

Within the city, every inch of land was valuable. Not only were the prices of houses several times higher than in ordinary cities, but even if someone were willing to pay a higher price, no one would be willing to sell!

After all, living in Yue Jing itself was a symbol of status.

The entire Yue Jing City was divided into four regions: east, west, south, and north!

The North District was where the imperial palace was located, and naturally, people outside the royal family were not allowed to live there. Correspondingly, the South District was where officials and dignitaries lived, all of whom held official positions in the court. If a family no longer held any official positions in the court, they would have to move out of this district!

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