Chapter 251 Destruction

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When Han Li saw Mo Caihuan's appearance, he knew it wasn't the time to inquire about the details of what happened, so he didn't bring it up again. Mo Caihuan led him to a small shop on the next street.

"Here?" Han Li looked a bit puzzled and glanced at Mo Caihuan with a questioning look.

"Yes, this is it! My mother and I run a small business here, just trying to earn some spirit stones to buy some pills to suppress her injuries." Mo Caihuan blushed slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed as she spoke. Then, she led the way inside.

Seeing this, Han Li smiled and didn't say anything, following her inside.

"Mother, look who I've brought!" As soon as Han Li stepped into the shop door, he heard Mo Caihuan's excited voice! Then, another familiar but somewhat older woman's voice came.

"Who else could it be? Since Uncle Zhuo passed away, only Aunt Xianglian from next door comes to see us!"

Indeed, the voice belonged to Yan Shi, though much hoarser than before!

"No, it's Senior Brother who came! I met Senior Brother inside the castle!" Mo Caihuan exclaimed excitedly.

"Senior Brother? Didn't all your senior brothers pass away long ago? Are you out of your mind, child?" Yan Shi became visibly worried.

At this point, Han Li had already taken in the situation inside the shop.

It was a small room about six or seven zhang in size, with several wooden counters displaying neatly arranged low-level talismans and some inexpensive materials. There was a wooden door leading to the inner room, and behind the counter was a woman lying on a bamboo chair, looking somewhat worriedly at Mo Caihuan in front of her.

It was Yan Shi, whom Han Li hadn't seen in nearly ten years!

However, she looked much older now, with a sickly appearance on her face, but traces of her former beauty could still be seen in her features.

Han Li's entrance naturally caught Yan Shi's attention. She was about to stand up when she realized that, given her serious illness, she couldn't manage it. She only managed to straighten up halfway before falling back down again, and Mo Caihuan quickly reached out to support her.

"You're Han Li?" Yan Shi gasped for breath, just as surprised as Mo Caihuan, but mixed with a hint of hopeful joy.

Han Li naturally knew what she was thinking, but after a moment of hesitation, he still walked over and slightly bowed, saying.

"Hello, Fourth Senior Mother!"

"You... you still acknowledge me as your senior mother? You don't hold grudges from back then?" Yan Shi's face lit up with joy upon hearing Han Li address her as "Fourth Senior Mother," but she still couldn't believe it.

"The past is the past. Regardless of who was right or wrong between Mo Shi and me, the master-disciple relationship between Mo Shi and me is real, so I should still address you as such." Han Li said calmly.

"As for the issue of the antidote, there's no need to mention it anymore! Look, I'm standing here just fine, aren't I?" Han Li said nonchalantly. Indeed, as a Foundation Establishment cultivator now, he had no reason to hold grudges against a few mundane people. The conflicts and entanglements with Yan Shi and the other senior mothers were no longer of concern to him.

"Yes, with your intelligence, you must have done well in the cultivation world! Unlike me and your senior mothers, who have become homeless dogs..." Yan Shi sighed for a moment before her face suddenly turned blood red, and she started coughing violently.

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