Chapter 328 Black Blood Knife

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Upon hearing Han Li's confident words and seeing him take out a cyan talisman and sit down with closed eyes, Chen Qiaoqian and Zhong Weiniang silently took out a red and yellow talisman respectively from their storage bags and activated them in a similar manner.

Chen Qiaoqian's senior brother and Song Meng exchanged a bitter smile. They didn't have their own talismans. Although Chen Qiaoqian's senior brother had a blue talisman left by a fellow daoist, he had just obtained it and didn't understand its power and effects well enough to use it rashly. As for Song Meng's gray spear talisman, its power had been exhausted after the battle with the Ice Demon.

So, the two of them simply stood dryly beside Han Li, providing protection for the three of them.

At this moment, the trapped Emperor Yue seemed to realize that his current chaotic state of mind was not a solution at all, so he stopped moving and floated in the air motionlessly.

He lowered his head in contemplation.

After a moment, Emperor Yue suddenly raised his head and fiercely tore off the golden crown on his head. His long black hair scattered in the wind, covering half of his face, which, along with the blood-red glow emanating from his body, made him appear even more mysterious and sinister.

Taking a deep breath, he suddenly used his sharp nails to make a crosscut on his wrist. A large amount of blood gushed out and merged into the blood-red light around him. The bright red light suddenly dimmed and turned dark red in an instant.

Now, even Song Meng and others, who were so far away, could smell the nauseating smell of blood, causing their expressions to change slightly. However, they could do nothing but watch the enemy continue to cast his spell.

Seeing that the color of the blood light around him had changed, Emperor Yue opened his mouth and spewed two red qi onto his wrist. Some unknown spell caused the two deep wounds to immediately stop bleeding and gradually fade away, but Emperor Yue's face noticeably turned paler due to the loss of blood.

Then, a fierce expression flashed across his face as he reached into his chest and pulled out a bare black knife handle. The handle was not large, about half a foot long, dull and worn, extremely inconspicuous.

However, Emperor Yue held the object cautiously, as if it were not an inanimate object but an extremely dangerous one.

Staring at the knife handle, he began to chant a low and bitter incantation.

The incantation was not loud and was difficult to understand, but amidst the slow voice, there was a hint of a primitive atmosphere, giving people a sense of ancientness.

"What is he going to do?" Song Meng, who was observing from afar, was surprised and couldn't help but ask unconsciously.

"I don't know, maybe he's casting some powerful spell!" the other disciple beside him, who also couldn't understand the incantation, said with some concern.

Although the two of them didn't know the enemy's intentions, seeing Emperor Yue self-harming and bleeding, they knew he was desperate and ready to fight back.

Just when Song Meng and the others were uneasy, Emperor Yue's chanting suddenly accelerated, and the primitive aura became even stronger.

Emperor Yue's eyes flashed with red light, and an astonishing scene occurred.

The knife handle suddenly burst into black light under the chanting, floating up in the black light and stopping about a foot above his head, where it remained motionless.

Emperor Yue became even more cautious. With extremely skilled hand movements, he formed strange hand seals, causing black blood threads to appear in the blood light around him. These blood threads emerged and swiftly flew towards the knife handle.

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