Chapter 312 Calmness and Reinforcements

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"Ice Demon, are you trying to provoke me into fighting with Ye Snake just because you don't like him?" The bald man glared, speaking irritably.

"Hehe! How could that be! Didn't you want to see the Lord? Now's the perfect time, the Lord just finished the blood sacrifice and hasn't started refining Qi yet!" The white figure, although hit by the bald man's suspicion, casually diverted the topic.

The bald man, knowing the other's intentions weren't sincere, could only grunt and stride into the darkness.

After several turns and passing through six or seven courtyards, the bald man arrived near a massive artificial mountain in the most remote part. A look of reverence began to appear on his face.

"Subordinate Tie Luo pays respects to the Lord!" The bald man bowed deeply and said loudly.

"Tie Luo! How did you get injured?"

A magnetic voice of a middle-aged man came from the base of the artificial mountain. Unexpectedly, the retreat of the Lord of the Black Demon Sect was under the artificial mountain, something Han Li and the others could never have imagined.

"Thanks for the Lord's concern, I only used the Demon Transformation Technique and consumed some vital energy!" The bald man, hearing the Lord of the Black Demon Sect's words, hastily replied cautiously.

After the bald man finished speaking, the Lord didn't respond immediately but after a while, he said softly:

"It seems that this mission has failed! Otherwise, my named disciple should have returned with you to report."

"Lord, forgive me. I failed to protect them. The Young Master and Protector Wang have both fallen into the enemy's hands. I am willing to accept the Lord's punishment!" The bald man gritted his teeth, his face showing a shameful expression.

"Punishment! Why should I punish you? Since you used the Demon Transformation Technique, it shows that the enemy was indeed too powerful, not because you didn't try your best. It's just a disciple and a Protector. It's not a big deal. But if you were captured, then I would really be in trouble!"

"Thank you for the Lord's forgiveness. I will do my best to serve the Lord in the future to make up for this mistake!"

The Lord of the Black Demon Sect was very good at winning people's hearts. With just a few words, he greatly moved the bald man, who immediately expressed his loyalty.

"Well, very good! But tell me about the situation of the battle. I want to know which sect's cultivator is so ruthless!" The Lord of the Black Demon Sect seemed quite satisfied with the bald man's words, but still asked with interest about Han Li.

"Yes!" The bald man hurriedly replied.

"The cultivator we were after had a very peculiar Foundation Establishment technique. He could manipulate mechanical beasts like puppets, and they were quite powerful. At that time..." The bald man slowly recounted the encounter with Han Li and the process of transforming when things turned dangerous.

After the bald man finished speaking, there was silence under the artificial mountain. The Lord of the Black Demon Sect seemed to be pondering something.

After a while, his calm voice came again.

"The puppet controlled by this cultivator, according to your description, should be the Puppet Technique of the Thousand Bamboo Sect. This person is likely a cultivator of the Thousand Bamboo Sect. I heard some time ago that some members of the Thousand Bamboo Sect appeared within the borders of the Yuanwu Kingdom. He might be one of them. However, you escaped immediately after transforming, which was a wise choice. Otherwise, you wouldn't be standing here talking to me now."

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