Chapter 212: Epiphany

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Normally, being accepted as a disciple by a Foundation Establishment stage cultivator would be an unimaginable stroke of luck for a low-level cultivator. However, after hearing these words, Han Li, amidst his astonishment, subconsciously sensed that something was amiss.

With his aptitude and cultivation technique, such good fortune would never fall upon him. As for the claim that Patriarch Li wanted to reward him for his great contribution to the Yellow Maple Valley, Han Li found it hard to believe. If Patriarch Li had won the bet and decided to accept him as a disciple in a fit of joy, there might have been some sincerity in it. But since they had lost miserably and still wanted to take him as a disciple, it was perplexing!

While Han Li was lost in thought, Patriarch Li's expression turned displeased.

He had expected Han Li to be overjoyed and eagerly accept the offer after he expressed his willingness to take him as a disciple. However, Han Li stood there dumbfounded, showing no immediate response, which irritated him slightly.

Nevertheless, Patriarch Li maintained his composure, speaking calmly, "Han Li, if you're unwilling to become my disciple, just say so. I won't force you. I can offer you a few more spiritual tools as compensation if you decline."

Han Li realized that Patriarch Li's words sounded nice but were likely insincere. Nonetheless, he knew better than to offend this patriarch. He understood the consequences of offending such a figure without needing to think deeply about it. Moreover, as a Qi Condensation stage disciple, rejecting the offer of a Foundation Establishment stage cultivator was highly irregular and could lead to more trouble.

With these thoughts in mind, he gritted his teeth and decided to go along with it, at least for the time being. He couldn't afford to provoke Patriarch Li further.

"I am honored to become your disciple, Master! I was just too overwhelmed with joy earlier and forgot to speak. Please forgive me!" Han Li said, his face flushing with embarrassment as if he had just snapped out of his excitement, and he spoke with an eager tone.

Then, Han Li respectfully performed the ceremony to formally accept Patriarch Li as his master.

"Very good! From today onwards, you are my disciple, Han Li. Consider this jade-green saber as a gift from your master." Patriarch Li's face beamed with satisfaction as he handed Han Li a jade-green long saber, which gleamed with spiritual light, indicating its top-quality craftsmanship.

Han Li received the saber with both hands, bowing respectfully again to show his respect, and then stood there seemingly overwhelmed with joy.

The other disciples around them watched in disbelief, their eyes filled with envy. They wished they were in Han Li's shoes, receiving such a generous gift from Patriarch Li.

Although Han Li couldn't read their minds, the burning gazes directed at him made him feel a bit awkward.

If it were possible, he wished Patriarch Li had chosen someone else instead of him. After all, he had learned his lesson from his previous master, Doctor Mo. Now, having attracted the attention of another master who seemed to have ulterior motives, Han Li couldn't help but feel speechless!

"In a few days, when you successfully reach the Foundation Establishment stage, I will personally take you under my wing as my formal disciple. If you fail to reach the Foundation Establishment stage, don't worry. I will still offer guidance in your cultivation techniques." Patriarch Li instructed Han Li.

"Yes, Master!" Han Li replied without any objections, obediently accepting his new role.

"Now, it's getting late. Let's return to the Yellow Maple Valley," Patriarch Li said, glancing at the sky.

Afterwards, everyone mounted Patriarch Li's Silver-Armored Horn Python again and flew for several days before returning to the Yellow Maple Valley.

As soon as they entered the valley, Patriarch Li, accompanied by two stewards, headed to the main hall for discussions. The others dispersed to their residences, awaiting their rewards in a few days.


Inside a thatched cottage in the Hundred Herb Garden of the Yellow Maple Valley, Old Man Ma widened his eyes in disbelief as he stared at Han Li, as if he had seen a ghost. He muttered incessantly,

"This is impossible! Not only did you not die, but you also found a loophole in the forbidden area, handed in more than twenty spirit medicines, and were accepted as a named disciple by Patriarch Li!"

"Yes, Old Man Ma! Isn't it an incredible stroke of luck for me?" Han Li sat opposite the old man, pretending to be proud, as if he had just realized his own greatness.

Old Man Ma, upon hearing Han Li's words, regained his composure but looked at Han Li with a strange expression, making Han Li feel uneasy, unsure of the old man's intentions.

"Han boy, you really made quite a harvest in the forbidden area this time, far beyond my expectations!" Old Man Ma sighed and said.

"I didn't expect it either!" Han Li replied casually.

"But, do you know the real reason Patriarch Li accepted you as his named disciple?" The next words from Old Man Ma were filled with regret, which surprised Han Li but also made him happy. However, he restrained his excitement and pretended to be surprised,

"Old Man Ma, is there any other reason for Patriarch Li accepting disciples?"

"Heh heh! Han junior, you're not too dull. You've hit the nail on the head quite quickly. Indeed, it's because of Patriarch Li that you were accepted as his disciple!" Old Man Ma nodded approvingly and explained.

"We have an unwritten rule in our sect that when there is a clear master-disciple relationship, the master has the right to take half of the disciples' offerings to the sect as a thank-you gift. Of course, this only applies once and won't happen again. And the spirit medicines you collected in the forbidden area count as offerings to the sect. So, from what I estimate, Patriarch Li accepted you as his disciple mainly because of the thank-you gift you handed in. Since only half of it will go to the sect, your reward will naturally be halved as well. Therefore, don't expect to receive two Foundation Establishment Pills anymore." Old Man Ma explained carefully to Han Li.

Han Li frowned slightly, but he didn't show any anger or dissatisfaction. He simply listened quietly, then sighed and said,

"So, Patriarch Li accepted me as his disciple mainly because of the spirit medicines I handed in. That's unexpected."

"There's no need to be too upset. Although you'll receive only one Foundation Establishment Pill, being accepted as a named disciple by Patriarch Li is not bad. Consider this a form of insurance. With Patriarch Li's protection, few people in the sect would dare to bully you, even if you remain in the Qi Condensation stage. Although Patriarch Li isn't genuinely accepting you as his disciple, you still have his backing. Most ordinary disciples and stewards wouldn't dare to provoke you easily with his name behind you. Besides, I heard that Patriarch Li is quite protective!" Old Man Ma said reassuringly.

Han Li felt touched by Old Man Ma's words. Since the old man had given him two bottles of pills before he entered the forbidden area, he had already realized that the old man was cold on the outside but warm-hearted inside, with a

genuinely good character. But now, with his current words, Han Li felt even more grateful. It seemed that Old Man Ma was someone worth befriending!

Han Li thought so in his heart, but on the surface, he still pretended to be reluctantly persuaded by Old Man Ma's words, forcing a few awkward smiles and finally speaking up, and chatting with him casually.

Old Man Ma, seeing that Han Li seemed to have recovered from the blow, was quite happy and soon took his leave. The Hundred Herb Garden was returned to Han Li as before.

Legend of the Cultivation God IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora