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Italics - Flashbacks 


"Why are you trying to take it off?" Cassandra asked, giving her blonde friend a pointed look as she messed with the "Humpty Dumpty was pushed." sticker that covered up the message "A" had left. 

"I'm not. I'm trying to keep it on," she replied, "Believe me, I don't want to see the autograph that's under it." she pushed her palms against the sticker again, her fingers pressing into the cast as her attempts went unveil. 

"Well, we can get you another sticker?" Spencer suggested, taking the crutches from Cassandra and leaning them against the chair. 

"Yeah, this time why don't you try something mellower like "Save the planet?" Aria said, crossing her arms over her chest.  "Hey, there were not a lot of choices, okay?" Spencer huffed, "It was either Humpty Dumpty or Jesus is coming, look busy." 

Hanna slowly lifted the bright yellow sticker and pouted, "Oh, God. It's still there." she grabbed the cast and prepared to shake it out of frustration. 

Cassandra kneeled down to Hanna's level on the wheelchair, "Hey, come on. Don't. Just look around you, because you're safe, you're home and you're alive." 

"No, I thought I was safe in my hospital room, too." she said, deciding to change the topic. "You know, what's going on with Noel Kahn? Is he "A"? Have you talked to him?"

The brunette shook her head, "No, I avoid him. I keep telling him I'm busy. Busy freaking out every time I look at him." 

She winced when Hanna squinted her eyes and furrowed her brows. She knew she was lying, but she decided to not comment on it, much too Cassandra's pleasure. 

It was hard for her to avoid the boy she was in love with for so long. 

She couldn't help it. 

Even if he was an attempted murderer and stalker. 

"Yeah, well, try being run over by him." she scoffed. 

Emily lifted up the stuffed animal in her hands and waved it around in the air. "Who got you this? Sean?"

"Lucas." Hanna stated, smirking to herself when she caught Cassandra roll her eyes in annoyance. "Oh, sweet."

"Anyone else starving or is it just me?" Hanna said, starting to maneuver her wheelchair around to the kitchen. "No, your mom said she left a special dinner for you in the fridge." Spencer replied. 

"Mm. Pass. No, I want a Poptart." Hanna denied, puffing her lower lip out at the brunette next to her. She saw Spencer smirk from her peripheral and snapped, "What? I've been on hospital food for three weeks. I wanna eat something that doesn't look like it's already been chewed."

Cassandra giggled and kissed the blonde's cheek before standing up and searching her pantry for the dry pastry Hanna wanted. She saw the three different flavors of strawberry, blueberry and raspberry and picked strawberry, knowing it was her favorite. 

She held out the treat and popped it in the microwave and let it sit while she pushed Hanna to the table. "I could've done it myself; you know?" Hanna stated plainly. 

"I know, but I like helping you." she teased, heading towards the fridge and pouring a glass of apple juice that Hanna loved to sip on with her Poptart's. The sweet treat popped out of the toaster, signaling it was done. 

So, she tossed it on a plate and walked back over to the table and set down the juice and food, sitting down in the chair next to her. 

Hanna's eyes lit up at the combination of stuff in front of her and took a big bite. "Thank you! I can't believe you remembered.." she said, covering her hand over her face as she spoke with the food in her mouth. 

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