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"It was all in his shrink's file. Toby and Jenna had a relationship." Cassandra concluded, rubbing Emily's back in soft circles to help her relax.

Spencer nodded in agreement, "Way beyond stepsiblings."

"They were involved." Aria added with a small shudder. 


"I doubt I'd call it romantic. I doubt she had much of a choice." Spencer stated, lifting her coffee up to her lips and moving towards Cassandra, offering the blue-eyed girl some of her black coffee. Cassandra glared at the Hasting's daughter and removed her hand from Emily's back to playfully shoo Spencer away. 

Spencer giggled and ignored Cassandra muttering profanities under her breath while she took a large sip of her much needed coffee. 

"Anyway, that's what Ali had on him when she threw the stink bomb." Cassandra said with a small smirk. Even though there were many times that Alison could be a complete ass to her friends, mainly Hanna, she was a smart girl, and she could uncover things most wouldn't even think about. 

So, Cassandra had to give her some credit for that. Her ability to manipulate and have total control over practically the whole town had secretly impressed her. Not that she'd ever say it out loud because she didn't want Hanna to think that she thought Alison making fun of the blonde was cool. That wasn't. 

Just when it was people who she didn't care about and knew that they deserved it. 

"Yeah, she threatened to expose Toby which is probably why he wanted her dead." Spencer explained with raised eyebrows. "And not just her... us and you." Emily sighed and looked down, gaining the attention of the three girls beside her, "You don't believe us?!"

"I do.. I just don't get it. If Toby killed Alison and wanted to do the same to me, then why am I sitting on my bed and not in a body bag?" Emily pointed out. "I told the police that when I went out for air, I tripped."

"Well, why didn't you just tell them he attacked you?" Aria frowned. "I didn't want to say anything until I talked to you guys first." the brunette responded. "The truth is in the file." Cassandra shrugged. 

"You can tell them everything now." Spencer said. "She can't tell them everything. I mean, you have to leave out the file." Cassandra denied, giving Spencer a pointed look. The other brunette exasperatedly sighed, "Fine. Leave out the file." 

A certain blonde finally walked in. "Who knew Rosewood had this many cops?" she announced, "I went to put this back, and they were outside the doctor's office talking to Toby's shrink. They know this was stolen." Hanna lifted up the hefty file. "Can I see that?" Emily asked, holding out her hands. 

Hanna tossed it to the girl and heard a soft grunt leave her mouth. "Hanna. You can't be throwing things around, she's clearly hurt." Cassandra reprimanded the Marin daughter. "Oops, sorry Em."

Emily shook her off and read the file while the girls continued to talk. "If anyone saw me go into that building last night, I am so host." she hissed. Someone's phone started beeping obnoxiously and Aria felt her phone vibrating through her pants.

 "Is it from..."

"No, my mom. "Ask your father if he has plans to take the car in this week." My parents have gone from not talking to not texting. This sucks. I better get home." Aria muttered, grabbing her purse and heading towards the door. "Yeah, me too." Spencer nodded, taking her coffee and waving goodbyes.

"Uh, no. I just got here. Hey, what do I do with that?" Hanna questioned, lifting her hand up to the file on Emily's bed. "Just shove it in your locker. We'll figure it out later. Bye." Aria shrugged. 

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