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"I was afraid she wouldn't get it done in time for the memorial." Aria stated, pushing the big, wooden box, with the help of Spencer, into the living room. "And this was someone from your mom's gallery?"


"Where is your mom?" Emily asked, looking between the two sisters. "There's an apartment above the gallery so she's staying there. For now." Cassandra answered, feigning to be cheerful and not like her soul wasn't crushed when she found out her mom was leaving instead of her dad. 

"Kind of weird, isn't it? Your mom moving out?" Hanna pointed out, focused on whatever large piece of paper she held. "Yeah, like our dad should have left." Aria snapped, "That's what you'd expect."

"Aria." Spencer said, giving her a stern look. Said girl sighed, "Hey, I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. This whole thing just... sucks." Aria summed up, sharing a frown that matched her sisters. 

"I know." Hanna softly smiled, rubbing Cassandra's arm comfortingly. The brunette flushed and leaned closer into the blonde, whining when she stopped and giggled at the girl. She looked up at Hanna and analyzed her features.

Gratefully taking in her gorgeous blue-eyes that resembled ones of her own, and her perfect petite nose that held an even slope with no bumps. If Cassandra wasn't best friends with her, she was sure that she'd be jealous of how perfect she truly is. 

"You have pretty eyes." Cassandra mumbled, whole heartedly meaning her compliment. Now, it was Hanna's turn to have a blush spread across her cheeks and nose. "Thank you..." she replied, looking down at the beautiful girl whose head was set back on her shoulder. She had to admit, she missed her sweet and soft moments with the Montgomery before she left for Iceland. They'd spend hours just complimenting one another while doing a simple task like baking a cake or watching a movie. 

Maybe someday they will get that back. 

"Did anyone call Shelly Leonard?" Emily questioned. "Done! And I told her if she plays anything depressing, I will kick her in her cello." Spencer responded, handing Aria the screwdriver. "Oh, what about the program?" 

"Almost done, but we should finish it before Ali's brother gets here." Spencer suggested, working on opening up the top of the box. "When is that?" Cassandra asked from her spot on the couch. "Tonight. And he wants to see us in the morning." Spencer confirmed. 

At the mention of Jason, Cassandra and Hanna stood up and moved over to the girls. "You know what? I barely remember Jason." Hanna said. "We didn't know him; he was just Ali's older brother down the hall." Aria shrugged. 

"Behind closed doors." Cassandra added.

"With his hardcore punk music vibrating the floorboards." Emily remarked, gaining a giggle from the group. "How did he get into an Ivy League school?"

"I don't know. It must have been affirmative action for goths and emos." Cassandra smirked. The five girls lifted up the wooden top after unscrewing it and carefully set it on the ground. They stared at the item covered in green, packing peanuts in awe. "It's beautiful." Spencer muttered. "Pedestal's already out there, next to the bench. This goes up Friday morning. Do you think Jason will like it?"

"Of course he'll like it."

Aria shook her head, "And years from now, people are gonna see this memorial, and that's all they'll ever know about Ali. She'll be the girl they dedicated the bench to, and we'll all be gone, but Ali will still be remembered."

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | h. marinWhere stories live. Discover now