Mv script part 2

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When the crowd heard Su Tang's hysterical laughter, they believed she had gone crazy. To avoid getting themselves in trouble, the crowd soon dispersed. When Su Tang was on her last breath, she was saved by a divine doctor who was traveling.

The doctor was shocked by the state Su Tang's body was in and took her to the medical valley. No one investigated the disappearance of Su Tang, as she was considered dead in the eyes of everyone.

After four months, Su Tang finally regained consciousness and was able to move, though her whole body was wrapped in bandages.

"Child, don't move, otherwise all the efforts will be wasted," said the divine doctor with a gentle tone.

When Su Tang saw the doctor and realized she had saved her, Su Tang burst into tears, remembering her experience. She quickly asked the doctor about her family.

The doctor was not aware of her family affairs, as she had been treating her the whole time in the medical valley.

Su Tang had a very bad feeling about this and immediately wanted to contact her family. She did not listen to the doctor and left the medical valley to see her family.

However, after days of traveling, she saw bloodstains on her house door. The smell of blood could be sensed miles away. The whole house was filled with blood and horrible marks, indicating what had happened there.

When Su Tang inquired with the neighbors about her family, they showed extreme disgust and hatred when she mentioned the Su family.

"They are the family of a witch. It was their sin to share the same bloodline, so the emperor ordered the Su family to be beheaded.

All members of the Su family, including children and women, were killed. Tch, they deserved it. Giving birth to a witch is their biggest sin," were the comments Su Tang received when investigating the whereabouts of her family.

Su Tang, unable to bear the news, fainted and was rescued again by the divine doctor who had followed her out of concern.

When Su Tang regained consciousness, she was calm. Her eyes were blank, holding no emotion—no sadness, no hatred—like a walking dead person.

The doctor was worried about her but, knowing her experience, kept silent to avoid opening her wounds again.

After five years, the final surgery on Su Tang was completed. She had a new face, more beautiful than the previous one, but she could not live for more than six months as her internal organs were severely damaged by the burning.

Even with the divine doctor's help, it was barely possible to extend her life for six months.

"Thank you, divine doctor. I will repay you in my next life," said Su Tang when she left the medical valley. Soon, Su Tang, with her new identity, reached the Hua dynasty.

She again made the young masters of the Dong and Ruan families fall for her and manipulated them to fall for her completely, fueling the rivalry between the two families. In the end, she killed both young masters and manipulated the situation to make it seem like they had killed each other.

Soon after the young masters' deaths, the Dong and Ruan families entered into a blood feud, starting a bloody war. Rivers of blood flowed from both families.

After six months, Su Tang had taken her revenge and truly became a witch who harmed people. But her revenge was not over.

When all the members of the Dong and Ruan families were dead, she secretly saved both heirs of the Dong and Ruan families, who were 10 years old.

She knew they understood what had happened to their families and that they would seek revenge after gaining enough strength.

This hatred between the families would continue for generations. This was the curse of the witch Su Tang and her bloody revenge.

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