The assassination attempt

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After speaking to Tang Mia, Tang Min took Sofia to the dining hall to have dinner.

The siblings again started their conversation and ignored Tang Mia. Seeing the siblings ignore her, Tang Mia boiled with anger.

However, she remained well-mannered and calm on the surface. Soon, she got over her emotional agitation.

"Well, I've asked father to transfer 100 million to your account, Sofia.

Are you happy?" said Tang Mia with a crafty smile in her eyes. "Yup," replied Sofia with a devilish smile.

"I knew after the loss at school, Tang Mia wouldn't let her get the attention from the family.

So, before Tang Father got to know the results, she informed him beforehand, showing her gentle and generous personality.

So, after informing the Tang parents, she controlled how they received the news of her getting first place.

She will let go of this one because she really doesn't care about getting attention from the Tang couple.

" Tang Mia was fuming after getting a cold reply from Sofia and left for her room with anger showing on her face.

"When parents are not at home, she really doesn't bother to pretend," said Tang Min with a sneer.

He was the only person in the family who had seen Tang Mia's true face. Before, he would ignore Tang Mia and wouldn't pamper her like other brothers.

After getting the cold shoulder from him, Tang Mia also showed her true colors before him.

She probably thinks that he doesn't have that much status in the Tang family, so now she doesn't bother pretending before him.

Soon, the siblings finished their dinner and went to their rooms.

"Well, don't forget to apply medicine, big man," said Sofia to Tang Mia before leaving in a joking tone.

After getting changed, Sofia went to her beauty sleep.

Late at midnight, Sofia's sleep was interrupted.

As Sofia's keen senses picked up the subtle shift in the room, her heart raced with anticipation.

Despite the professional footwork of the intruder, Sofia's instincts told her that something was amiss.

With years of training and honed reflexes, she remained alert, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

As the figure drew closer to the bed, Sofia's pulse quickened.

With a swift and calculated movement, she shifted her body, positioning herself for what was about to happen. With the precision of a well-trained warrior,

Soon, the intruder attacked Sofia, thinking he would kill her while she was sleeping in her bed.

In one fluid motion, Sofia lunged forward, her body moving in perfect harmony with her instincts.

The blade sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, embedding itself in the pillow.

The intruder froze, caught off guard by Sofia's lightning-fast reflexes.

A moment of tension hung in the air as they locked eyes, each sizing up the other in a silent battle of wills.

But Sofia was not one to be easily intimidated. Soon, both were locked in a deadly battle.

Sofia could kill such a person in a few minutes, but the cold poison in her body interrupted her movement, causing her skills to not be shown in full power.

Using her last bit of power, Sofia used a back knife strike on the killer.

While showing one move, which was a distraction, she inserted the knife into the assassin's hand and then to his neck.

Soon after making sure the killer died, Sofia lost consciousness due to her body's inability to keep up with such a battle.

But before she lost consciousness, she saw something unexpected: the killer's body, after getting killed, did not hit the ground; instead, it disappeared like smoke.

But she was sure of one thing: the killer was dead.

"So this was the famous blue flames poison used for dead warriors," was the last thought Sofia had before losing her consciousness.

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