Sofia has changed

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"Tch," muttered Sofia, dismissing such petty tricks as unworthy of her attention. She, Sofia, had traversed numerous worlds, holding high status in each life. Ignoring the servants' and her brother's dagger-like stares, she swiftly finished her dinner and retreated to her room.

Once again delving into her memories, Sofia discovered that the previous Sofia harbored aspirations of becoming a powerful lawyer. While in the orphanage, she witnessed injustice in every facet of life and yearned to change society. Inspired by a lawyer's courageous fight against injustice on the street, she was determined to pursue a career in law. However, her dreams were shattered upon returning to the Tang family.

Overwhelmed by the sudden burden and expectations of attending a prestigious noble high school, Sofia struggled to keep up, leading to a decline in her grades. Doubting herself, she endured repeated humiliation from her classmates, who viewed her existence as a blemish on their class.

A cold smirk graced Sofia's face as she resolved to fulfill the previous Sofia's dream. Determined to become a brilliant lawyer, she found the prospect intriguing, having not explored this field in her previous world. After solidifying her future plans, Sofia reviewed her bank accounts, brimming with millions. She took solace in the fact that the Tang family would at least provide her with money, which she would leverage for her revenge plan.

Swiftly navigating stock sites, Sofia invested her wealth in stocks that promised quick gains, essential for financing her revenge scheme. After a quick shower, she retired to bed. However, her peaceful rest was disrupted by the maid's loud cleaning, shattering the tranquil atmosphere. Awake and filled with a murderous intent towards the disturber of her sleep, Sofia's gaze pierced the maid with fear. Despite her initial apprehension, the maid quickly composed herself, accustomed to Sofia's submissive demeanor, which had diminished the respect she deserved from the household servants.

"Ma'am, you're awake. Please vacate the bed as I need to change the bedsheets," the maid said without a hint of respect, her eyes brimming with disdain towards Sofia.

Shortly after speaking, the maid felt a sharp pain in her neck, sending her into a panic. Her eyes darted to the hand gripping her neck as Sofia's cold voice filled the room, "You know, a human neck is so fragile. Just a little pressure, and the person is gone."

After delivering her ominous message, Sofia released the maid and headed to the washroom. The maid, filled with terror, felt as though one wrong move could result in her demise. She hastily exited the room, her departure marked by panic and fear as if she were fleeing from a devil.

Meanwhile, Sofia swiftly prepared herself and left her room. Today, she wore a red dress that seemed to embody fire, exuding an aura of arrogance and aloofness that elevated her above all others.

Making her way to the gate, Sofia was fortunate that the Tang family members were occupied with their own affairs, sparing her from any interruptions. With the mansion behind her, she quickly departed, her car stopping near a legendary music studio known for producing hits every year.

The reason for Sofia's visit dated back a month ago when her second brother, an international artist, had rejected an offer from a famous musician named John to appear in a music video. Disappointed by the rejection, John spotted Sofia and extended an offer for her to star as the heroine in his music video.

Surprised by the offer, Sofia glanced at her brother, expecting his approval. Seeing his surprise, she inferred his support and accepted John's offer to spare her brother any further rejection.

However, upon learning of Sofia's involvement, Tang Mia, filled with jealousy, hastily signed on as the heroine in a music video with Senom, a rival musician of John's. Tang Mia's addition to Senom's side bolstered their influence, leaving Sofia to clean up the resulting mess.

Exiting her car, Sofia's presence caused a stir in the studio, evoking the sensation of a queen patrolling her territory. Approaching the receptionist, Sofia requested to meet John. Though taken aback by Sofia's aura, the receptionist quickly regained her composure and summoned John, who promptly invited Sofia to his office on the third floor.

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