Bad luck at the alley

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After clarification, the school authorities announced that Sofia indeed did not cheat,finally proving that the score secured by Sofia was her own.

When Sofia returned to the classroom, her classmates' looks changed from disdainful stares to curious glances.

Ignoring their gaze, Sofia returned to her seat, knowing the survival rule: strength commands respect everywhere. The change in her classmates' views didn't bother her much.

"Hi Sofia, would you like to join me at my place on Saturday?" said Julie, a girl with dark brown hair and gentle green eyes. Her eyes were a symbol of a wealthy family, one of the top five in the capital, controlling the entertainment industry.

Julie hadn't made fun of Sofia before, merely ignoring her. Thus, Sofia harbored no ill feelings towards Julie. "Sure," Sofia replied calmly.

Julie sat next to Sofia, striking up a conversation in a friendly tone.

Soon, they became close buddies. As school closed for the day, the girls parted ways, promising to meet on Saturday night. Sofia had an amusing smile on her face, remembering Julie's warning about her sister, Tang Mia.

Finally, someone had seen Tang Mia's true face. Sofia reassured herself that she would take precautions against Tang Mia.

Instead of returning home with the driver, Sofia asked him to pick her up after two hours at the school gates.

Sofia ventured into the dimly lit alley where the clandestine black market thrived in secrecy.

Before she could take another step, her keen senses detected an unsettling aroma, thick and metallic, assaulting her olfactory senses with a nauseating intensity.

Intrigued yet wary, she followed the scent, leading her to a secluded corner where an injured man lay, barely clinging to consciousness.

His disheveled appearance spoke of a struggle, yet his jet-black hair and piercing grey eyes retained an undiminished aura of danger, even in his weakened state.

Though Sofia had no intention of entangling herself in any affairs, the fates seemed determined to intervene.

Approaching the wounded man with cautious steps, Sofia's journey was unexpectedly interrupted as an unseen obstacle beneath her feet sent her tumbling forward.

Her descent, though graceful, brought her dangerously close to the injured man's side, where her hand inadvertently applied pressure to his wound, drawing forth a pained groan from his lips.

As Sofia contemplated a swift retreat from the unsettling scene, the sudden eruption of a shout shattered the oppressive silence of the alleyway.

The booming voice reverberated from the encroaching shadows, accusing Sofia of daring to assail their leader.

Turning her gaze towards the source of the accusation, Sofia found herself confronted by a formidable assembly of 25 to 30 individuals,

each bearing the indelible marks of a life lived on the edge – scars etched into their weathered skin, tattoos weaving tales of past triumphs and tribulations, and an unmistakable aura of danger that enveloped them like an ominous cloak.

Under the intense scrutiny of the group's piercing stares, Sofia felt a ripple of apprehension coursing through her veins.

Amidst the collective gaze, one member, driven by impulsive fury, hurled an accusation at her, implicating her in the harm inflicted upon their leader – coincidentally, the very man whose aid she had unwittingly come to offer, Kab Ros.

A twinge of irritation danced within the depths of Sofia's eyes, mirroring the tumultuous emotions swirling within her as she begrudgingly came to terms with yet another unexpected complication.

With a resigned sigh, she recognized the sobering truth that her journey was once more entwined with the capricious whims of destiny, steering her along a course fraught with uncertainty and peril.

As the currents of fate surged around her, Sofia found herself swept up in a tempestuous tide of events beyond her control, a reluctant participant in a drama unfolding in the shadows of the underworld.

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