Chapter 20: The Intense Battle

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Moonlight, like liquid silver, spilled deep into the forest across, where atop a towering pine, a grand silhouette stood firm.

He had the face of a wolf, but he wore a nice suit that sparkled silver in the moonlight. A yellow tie with fancy Celtic designs matched well with his fancy suit.

He is pleased that his mind has partially returned to normal and his nobility has been restored.

His hand lay on a pine branch, his nails neatly groomed with an uncommon grace. His stare was cold, with a hint of arrogance and hesitation, as if scanning everyone and focusing on someone in the classroom.

Beside him stood a small fellow, with dark, curly hair, a round face, prominent cheeks, and a broad chin and nose. His eyes sparkled with keen intelligence as he silently observed the scenes unfolding in the classroom.

Not until he couldn't hold back any longer did he speak up, asking, "Jack, are these the people we're looking for?" His voice carried a hint of awe, as if addressing a being far beyond himself.

The dual effects of the night demon's control and spores entering the werewolf's body unexpectedly restored his clarity, allowing him to command the wild wolves to withdraw. He stared coldly at the academy's building, his voice betraying a longing for strength.

"No, these humans are too fragile. Unless they are superheroes, no one will survive tonight!" Then he turned and gracefully leapt from the tree, his movements smooth and swift like a gust of night wind. In a few bounds, he vanished into the darkness.

A-Lai's eyes were wide open, his pupils dilating in surprise, realizing he had underestimated the power of the monster's carapace.

The girl, who had been bowing her head, trying to escape fear by ignoring it, now also lifted her head. Her eyes were filled with shock and despair, gazing at the broken spearhead as if seeing an omen of her own fate.

The intense impact further infuriated the sensitive monster.
Its head quickly recoiled, red compound eyes seemingly glaring angrily at Alai.

With the monster's roar, viscous slime splattered everywhere, covering the ground. Its next strike was like a steel clamp magnified countless times, and to make matters worse, it was a steel clamp laced with venom, enlarging rapidly before A-Lai's eyes.


A sack suddenly flew over the monster's head at lightning speed, catching it off guard. The unexpected attack plunged the monster into darkness, causing it to lose its target and freeze in mid-air. Yet, its massive pincers continued to snap open and shut relentlessly, like a dance of steel, slicing through the air with a piercing, splitting sound.

Unlike a seventy-year-old man, Little fly's grandpa rode on the monster's back, standing tall like a towering mountain. With one hand tightly gripping the sack and the other iron fist swinging vigorously, it resembled the pounding of an anvil by a blacksmith's hammer.

His arm veins bulged, muscles as solid as steel; with every punch, the monster's eyes caved in like craters, spurting blood like a fountain, sparkling under the sunlight.

The monster's head thrashed wildly from side to side, even desperately tilting backward, its upper limbs clawing fiercely at the old man on its back. The wooden window frames and walls trembled violently from their struggle.

"Grandpa!" A-Lai exclaimed joyfully as he saw the precious opportunity created by grandpa. With the monster's neck flesh fully exposed, he immediately altered his plan.

He unleashed his ultimate technique without hesitation, the trident of Poseidon, with a flick of his wrist and a rapid vibration of his fingers, transforming a spear into the trident's three blades, akin to three spinning drills, deftly changing directions, piercing through the connection of hard shells, and striking directly at the monster's soft neck.

In an instant, the world seemed to pause, leaving only the piercing sound of the spear plunging into flesh, stirring the air with a faint hum.

The broken spearhead became even sharper, as the three wounds widened, instantly tearing through two-thirds of the neck's soft flesh.

At that moment, it was as if a sea deity surged forth from the depths, lifting the ferocious sea creature onto the tip of the spear.

Though the narration might suggest a lengthy duration, all these events occurred within an extremely short span of time.

Little Fly was intoxicated as he recalled everything that had just happened in front of him. "So this is the legendary Sea King's trident—now that's the most powerful move!" Then, he murmured, "Grandpa, where are you?"

Three sharp tips swiftly tore open the wound, enlarging it, tearing through two-thirds of the neck's soft tissue.

The monster let out a pained howl, blood mixed with white viscous fluid spraying like a fountain.

Ignoring the sticky fluid on his face, A-Lai mercilessly rotated his wrist once again.

With the force of thunder, he thrust the spear deep into the creature's body, almost piercing it entirely.

Despite the monster's struggles, it couldn't withstand the ferocious assault of the short spear.

The creature's body rising high before falling backward, its massive inertia causing it to crash into the wall.

A dull thud echoed through the ground, leaving a deep dent in the dark soil, like a falling meteor streaking across the night sky.

The monster's limbs continued to twitch in agonizing spasms.

Suddenly, everything fell silent, leaving only the lingering echoes of the monster's howls in the air.

Inside the room, both individuals stared dumbfoundedly ahead, incredulously gazing at the now-empty gaping hole in the wall.

A-Lai's heartbeat remained tense; he felt as though the creature's presence still lingered in the air.

"What... What in the world just happened?" stuttered his companion beside him.

"Where is grandpa?" she questioned, finding it difficult to believe what unfolded before her eyes.

The classroom smelled of dust and blood, showing signs of massive destruction. Furniture was strewn about, and the blackboard had fallen over, as if hit by a huge shockwave.

Books, stationery from the desks, and even a vase in the corner of the classroom were all reduced to shattered fragments, strewn across the floor accompanied by the sharp sound of breaking.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, a slender ray of dawn pierced through the breaches in the wall, casting a faint glimmer of hope into the encompassing darkness.

The youth gazed at the night sky outside, creating a breathtaking beauty on this haunting night.

The young boy whispered to himself, "I really want to see the world beyond..."

Time flowed on, each moment feeling interminable. The youth's blood beneath him had congealed, sticking him to the floor.

"Thud!" Without warning, a thunderous crash reverberated through the corridor, as if a great force had collided with the ancient walls, sending a shudder through the very foundation of the building.

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