The Hoe Chronicles Chapter 4

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Diana's room.

I sit in a chair across from Diana's bed and wait for her to wake up. I guess what's his face has work to do because he's not in here. She eventually starts stirring then gets up. She jumps a little when she sees me.

"Oh...hi V..." she says and I smirk and wave back at her.

"Hello Diana" I back to her.

"What are you doing in my room?" She asks me and I smirk.

"You know, D? Revenge is just a beautiful thing. I love it. It...It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside, you know?" I ask her and now she looks worried which makes me happy.

"W-what are you talking about?" She asks me and I twirl a marker between my fingers.

"I'm just feels so good to be able to get back at people. People that learn their actions have consequences are the most satisfying to watch" I start again.

"V what are you talking about?" She asks again and I laugh.

"The art of revenge? No that's not it...the art of my revenge? That sounds better" I say and she looks as confused as ever.

"What?" She asks again.

"I guess you'll never know. But you might wanna take a long look in the mirror at yourself and see that your actions have consequences" I say then she gets up from her bed and quickly goes to her bathroom.

"V what the fuck!" I hear her yell from the bathroom.

Yup. There it is.

After she finishes yelling the baby starts whining. I go over and pick him up out his crib.

"Aww I know. That's not a pleasing sound to listen to" I say and rock him in my arms. Diana busts out the bathroom.

"What the fuck did you do this for?!" She yells at me again.

"Remember that time when we went to the mall and-"

"Oh my fucking gosh! That was almost 2 fucking years ago! I've grown as a person since then!" She yells at me and I nod because she's not wrong.

"Yes you have. But I haven't" I say then she starts advancing towards me.

"I'm gonna kill you!" She yells at me and I shake my head.

"Oh no no no. We even now. You don't get to do shit" I tell her.

"Oh yeah? Watch me" she says and I hold the baby up in between us.

"No you can't. I got your child." I say.

"I'm not fucking with you. Put him down" she says and I shake my head.

"Uh uh. You don't see this baby I got? Don't you knock this child out my hands. You wouldn't want little Saint Nick to fall right?" I ask her and she glares at me. I hold Nick out to her and she takes him and I leave her room.

At Kurtis's house...

"You seriously did that?" He asks and I nod.

"Yup" I say then get a text. I pick up my phone and see it's from Rico.

"Who's that?" Kurtis asks.

"Her brother" I say as I open the text.

"What did he say?" He asks and I read the text first.

Rico: did you draw a dick on my sisters face?

Me: I sure did

Rico: lmao

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