Chapter 7 - The Kick-Ass Snowboarder

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I wake up the next morning with Nate's ringtone blaring round my room and I scrabble about to grab it.

"Hey babe," he speaks through the phone once I answer and I can sense his smirk on the other side. "I got a few passes for the ski slope. Want to come with me?"

"Sure!" I say almost too quickly and feel far too excited for my own good. "How many passes have you got?"

"I have four, I'm inviting that new kid too if you don't mind, you can invite Dylan."

"Why not Hunter? You know I can't choose between them!" I laugh at how they would both be fighting over not coming.

"Mainly because Drew has a strange liking to your friend Dylan, not Hunter. So please Mase, bring Dylan," he pleads with me on the phone until I give in.

"Okay fine, but if Hunter kills me it is your fault."

"She won't kill you, babe," he laughs on the other end of the phone but he doesn't know how serious Hunter can get with her death threats.

"It's not a laughing matter! I'm serious."

"Hm," he hums, "I'll pick you up in twenty minutes, please be ready."

"I'll try, see you soon."

He hangs up and I scroll through my recent calls to phone up Dylan. It's 9:30am she is going to hate me. I find myself mentally hoping she doesn't pick up, but of course she does.

"What is it?" She grunts as she slams the phone to the side of her head.

"Please come snowboarding with me and Nate," I blurt out quick enough she won't hang up.


"Come on please Dylan," I pause and think of a logical way to make her come along. "Hunter can't even ride a bike."

"Why is this happening?" She asks and I can sense a hint of mock behind it.

"Because Nate asked if I wanted to go so I said yes, but I didn't realise he meant with other people and he's invited a friend so pretty please," I beg, making a pouty face even though she can't see me. Dylan will sense it.

"Fine, but you better name me as the best damn friend ever," she groans and hangs up.

Someone's grumpy in the mornings. I get myself up and throw on some clean clothes, I'll be changing into warmer things when I get there anyway. Jeans and a light pink t-shirt will not be efficient for snowboarding. At all. I tie my hair up and run into the bathroom to clean my face and brush my teeth, before I know it the doorbell is ringing and I'm tripping over my own feet as I get to the door.

"Hey," I smile and push the strands of my short hair that have already fallen out of my pony tail behind my ear.

"Let me guess, you're not ready," he smirks and leans against the doorframe. His dark blue t-shirt catching against the brick house and pulling it up slightly to show his belt.

"I am, you're two minutes early. I just need to put on shoes."

"This is a record for you," he rolls his eyes and I swat at him, I reach into the shoe stand that is behind the door and pull out my converse, throwing them onto my feet.

"Stop teasing me, let's go."

I grab my bag and hope that it has money in it before shouting bye to Cody and rushing into Nate's car.

"You look really nice today," Nate smiles at me before turning the engine on and I feel my cheeks flare like a match to a candle.

"Drive, Parker," I manage to get out of my mouth and keep my eyes in front of me. I could feel the smile overpowering on my face.

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