Freedom (48)

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 It took less than a minute to free the two hero reams from Nico's skeletons.

"What the fuck happened!? Are you alright!?" Red Hood shouted, running up to Nico and punching him hard in the shoulder. Nico winced and shifted away, gently setting Zatanna down on the ground before moving to check on Artemis, who was breathing heavily and ragged.

"Move." He did as he was told, letting Black Canary take his place and begin to tend to the wounded girl.

"Well?" Robin asked impatiently.

"You are wounded also." Aqua Lad pointed out. Nico just shrugged in response.

"I'm fine- actually- I'm not in a lot of pain." He quickly added, waving off a worried Nightwing. "And, surprisingly, I think this was actually a decently easy victory." He didn't want to sound like he was flexing but he honestly didn't feel like he did a lot during the 'fight'.

"What do you mean?!" The Flash gasped. "We were immobilized and under control for basically that entire fight!"

"Stop. Nightshade, tell exactly what happened. Starting from when the Titan led you to the heart." Batman pushed everyone away from the huddle Nico hadn't realized had formed around him.

"Can we please do this another time?" Everyone frowned at the same time and felt a tick of annoyance flash through him. "I just really need to make sure everybody at Camp Jupiter is safe and relatively uninjured." Nico couldn't help the shiver that ran through his body at the thought of anyone, even the demigods he didn't know, being dead. Demigods seemed to die every time he met them. Whether it be in the Titan war, the Giant war, or whatever this was now. It was like a punch to the gut every time it happened. A very painful punch to the gut that left the ache of guilt behind.

"Bioship?" Wonder Woman frowned, turning to the two Martians.

"A few minutes out." Martian Man Hunter replied. The Amazon nodded tersely.

"Hold on!" Kid Flash blurted out. "Are we just going to skip over the fact that his kid is the newest Wayne kid?" Nico tensed and hastily looked over at Bruce, who was as stony-faced as ever under that cowl.

"Does your father know you're here, doing this?" Green Arrow crossed his arms, still a little off balance from Black Canary's shrieks.

"Uh, which one?" Nico looked down at his beat-up combat boots, trying to hide his face even if everyone had already seen it.

"Mr. Wayne is dating a man?!" Nightwing said suddenly and Nico had to struggle to hold back a laugh.

That was one way to make yourself seem innocent.

"No." Nico snorted.

"You are talking about lord Hades, are you not?" He glanced up at Wonder Woman.

"Uh, yeah. But no. Mr. Wayne does not know I'm doing all this." He cut himself off with a groan. "I'm going to be grounded foreveeer!"

"I'm sure we could figure something out with Mr. Wayne." Batman nodded to him reassuringly.

"Isn't he not supposed to know my little hobby?" Nico mumbled, finally looking up.

"We'll work it out." Batman gestured for everyone to move in a direction. Martian Man Hunter levitating Artemis along with them.

"To the entrance?" Nightwing started leading the group, leaving Nico to walk alongside his adoptive father.

"How do you know which way to go?" Miss Martian asked in fascination.

"While the skeletons were restraining us, the Titan slightly loosened his grip on our minds, letting us look around. With that, we could..." Nico tuned out an enthusiastic Dick, turning to look up at Bruce.

From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now