Just Keep Going (44)

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Large paws rested on a smooth marble dais; the claws outstretched. The folds of the fur were sagging, hanging over each other like a bulldog. Her ribs pressing against the skin, each dip seemed more pronounced. The cheeks of the woman's head on top were hollow, her eyes were sunken and black, glaring out from under her brow.

And the more Nico looked the worse it got.

In a half circle around the top of her back were jagged tears in the flesh, the edges of the wound were yellowed and decaying like something had sunk into her a long time ago. There were giant claw marks all over the rooms. Skeletons were also everywhere. Their heads and chests were crushed with those same gnawing marks on the white surfaces.

Suddenly the Sphinx sat back on its haunches, puffing its scrawny chest out like it was some mighty creature, staring down the crook of her nose. Her eyes were hungry.

"Welcome to my part of the Labyrinth." The Sphinx croaked. "The rules to this are simple!"

"Nightshade. Are you certain you are the best person to answer the riddle?" He glanced back, raising his eyebrows in surprise at Robin. "Maybe someone with a bit more schooling experience should step forward.

"No!" The Sphinx howled, shooting to her four paws, and glowering at the group. "He is already on the podium; he must be the one to participate."

"It's okay. I think I know the answer to this riddle." If it was just the classic Sphinx riddle, he would be able to answer it with ease.

"The rules are; No weapons should be in the possession of the player." Nico frowned, glancing around the room quickly. If he messed up, which he was very likely to do, he would have time and space to get away while someone else would hopefully take care of the Sphinx trying to eat him.

"Catch." He called, transforming his sword back into his ring and throwing it behind him. He heard a grunt and the ring never seemed to hit the ground.

"Wonderful!" The Sphinx seemed to perk up. "Now, the other rules are; that you must mark all answers in the book before you, using the number two graded pencil. You will be provided with a new pencil if the one you have breaks or becomes too dull. Answer both verbally and in the book to make grading easier for me. And, of course, if you win, I will let you pass. If you lose, I eat you."

Nico paused. This seemed a little familiar to him. Like he had heard this before.

"Uh, do you mind answering a quick question before we start?" He asked nervously, he could see the Sphinx's eyes flash as she looked down at him.

"Since you are going to die, I suppose I could allow you to ask me a question." She eventually relented.

"Fair trade, right?" The Sphinx's dried and cracked lips curled up in a smile, revealing her sharp canines. "Where are we?" The Sphinx was quiet for a little bit.

"I have been moved by the collapse of the old Labyrinth and the building of the new one." She murmured, her croaky voice sounding like she hadn't drank water in years. "But we believe you are on the outskirts of Greece."

"Greece?!" Both Nico and the Sphinx looked back at Artemis.

"I told you guys distance works differently in the Labyrinth," Nico mumbled under his breath.

"The book!" The Sphinx flicked her tail dramatically and a blood-spattered standardized testing book appeared on the podium in front of him.

"Wait-" Nico froze, his fingers inches away from picking the pencil up. "I know why you're so familiar!" The Sphinx raised one of her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry. I don't believe I have seen you before. Because if I had you would join my nice little collection of bones." Nico's eyes darted to the large pile of bones in the corner of the room, the skeletons barely held together by their shredded clothes.

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