Chapter 11: Surprise!!!

Start from the beginning

Mi: I missed you guys a lot, I kept looking at the pictures you sent. My mother loved them and now she wants to meet you all and she made me promise to arrange it.

W: It would be my honour to meet her and I'm sure the boys won't mind too. (He smiled. Just then Linda walked in and set the coffees on the table before leaving and closing the door behind her)

Mi: Just be warned, she is a bit of an acquired taste.

W: Aren't all mothers?


Mi: Yeah, I guess so.

W: The boys will be thrilled to see you.

Mi: I can't wait to see them too and I was wondering if it was okay with you that I could go over to your house and make lunch because my pantry and fridge are next o empty...

W: Sure, here is the key and you can also go pick the boys up.

Mi: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

They continued talking for the next half an hour. When it was twelve thirty Michael decided that it was time to leave so that he could go make lunch before going to pick the boys up.

W: I'll only be back around four today, so you'll have time alone with the boys.

Mi: No, I don't want to keep you out of your own house.

W: Don't worry about it, it's fine. I'll be doing the same work here that I usually do at home after school, maybe a little more though.

Mi: Okay but only if you're sure that it isn't a problem.

W: It isn't, I promise.

Mi: Okay. I'll even save some food for you.

W: Okay, let me walk you to your car.

Mi: Let's go.


W: I'll be back in five minutes Linda and then we can get back to work.

L: No problem sir. Nice meeting you Mr Sanders.

M; Michael is fine and it was nice meeting you too Linda.

They talked all the way to Michael's car.

W: See you later, okay?

Mi: Yeah, see you. (He smiled)

William and Michael hugged just before Michael got into his car and drove away.

=William's House=

Michael let himself in with the key he was given and went straight to the kitchen. He decided to go all out and made chicken wings and fries. When it got close to the end of the school day he cleaned up and then drove to Mathew's school first. He went to the class door and waited with the rest of the parents. A few of them recognised him and asked when he was coming back to teaching and he told them that he'd be back at his post tomorrow. Just then the bell rang and the class door was opened.

M: Uncle Michael! (He shouted when he spotted him)

Mi: Hi buddy. (He says picking him up)

M: I missed you so much, Uncle Michael.

Mi: I missed you too Mathew, so, so much.

MI: Did you see the pictures daddy sent?

Mi: Yes, I loved them all.

M: Even the one I made?

Mi: That was my favourite, I even showed my mother and she loved it.

M: Really?

Mi: Yup, now let's go pick up your brother and Jake.

M: Yes, let's go! (He cheered)

On the way to Connor and Jake's school Mathew filled Michael in on everything that they did this weekend and how much he enjoyed it and he also made sure that Michael knew that it would have been so much better if he were there.

J: Dad! Oh my goodness, dad! (He shouted running to the car not even caring about the kids starring at him)

Mi: Hi son, how are you doing? (He gets out of the car and gives him a hug)

J: Good but so much better now that you're here.

Mi: So you didn't have fun this weekend? (He teased)

J: I had so much fun, dad.

Mi: Where is Connor?

C: I'm right here, Uncle Michael. (He says from behind Jake)

Mi: Come over here. (He says pulling him into a hug)

C: I'm so glad you're back, Uncle Michael. (He smiled)

Mi: I'm glad to be back. I was so excited to see the three of you.

M: And what about my daddy? (He said getting out of the car)

Mi: I was very excited to see William too.

J: When did you see him?

Mi: I went to his office when I arrived.

J: Oh.

Mi: Come on let's get you guys home because I made us lunch.

C: Alright. (He said taking his brother's hand and walking him back to the car)

After everyone got into the car, Michael drove back to William's house listening to the stories the boys were telling him. They were turning into William's street when Connor noticed something.

C: I thought that when you said, "Let's go home" that we were going to your house, Uncle Michael.

J: Yeah me too, dad.

Mi: Oh sorry for that. Whether it's my house or William's house, it'll always be a home for you boys no matter what happens.

M: We should also have a sleep over at your house, Uncle Michael.

J: Yeah we should.

Mi: We'll talk about it when William gets back later.

M: Okay.

Michael parked when they got in the yard and then proceeded to open the front door after making sure all the boys were out of the car and it was locked.

Mi: Okay, go change while I go heat up the food.


The boys came down a couple of minutes later and were excited to see what Michael had prepared for them. They had lunch and talked more about their weekend. When they finished, they did homework with help from Michael and then went swimming. Michael also went in without hesitation and that is how William came to find them.

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